Welcome to my Guestbook!

tlp - 12/27/00 17:42:00
My Email:tlp64@yahoo.com
State: PA

Thank you for the story. Nice to hear that not everyone has forgot the true meaning of Christmas. And why it all happened.

SnapRat - 12/12/00 19:19:35
My URL:http://www.snaprat.com
My Email:webmaster@snaprat.com
State: CA

Just wanted to let all the Beanie Baby sellers know that there is a Free auction website where you can list all your beanie babies for free! http://www.snaprat.com

Juanita - 10/15/00 02:58:16
My Email:Jlongleysr@aol.com

Hi Kay, Enjoyed your site very much. Have a friend that was looking for some Baby Graphics and this is where I found them for her. Keep up the good work. Your babies are adorale. New Found Friend, Juanita

Ursula - 10/05/00 20:39:59
My Email:schatzi@flinthills.com
State: Kansas

Hi! I love your Stationary and recomended you to all my Friends ( Germany,France&Canada)they love it also.Im having so much Fun sending E-Mail to my Family and Friends with your beautyful Staionary. Thank you,sincerly Ursula

Carol - 08/09/00 18:54:00
My Email:carolmurraynowell@excite.com
State: North Carolina

Hi Kay, Thanks for your help with the stationery earlier today. You are blessed! I am a little too excited about your website.(My inspiration) Wish me Luck! Can't wait to use the stationery.

Jim - 07/29/00 01:09:43
My URL:http://www.wallies.fsnet.co.uk/WALLIEMANIA
State: New Hampshire, USA

Very beautiful stationery . . . . Keep up the great work.

Jim - 07/07/00 17:13:57
My Email:Yes
State: Bow, NH, USA

I like the Peincess Diana work especially

Jim - 07/03/00 00:40:20
My URL:http:// N/A
My Email:Yes
State: New Hampshire, USA

Enjoyed your 'Stationery'. (In NH, we spell stopping with 2 p's . . . . but maybe it's different in Florida . . . ?)

Sindee - 06/30/00 04:09:31
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/slt/index.html
State: Oklahoma

Hi! Just stopped by for a visit. God bless!

GINA QUARLES - 06/19/00 06:45:57
State: GA.


Shane - 02/24/00 11:50:35
My URL:http://www.silverladder.com
My Email:shane@silverladder.com
State: AZ.

Luke 15

Kelly - 02/24/00 05:18:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/KELLYSZOO
My Email:kelly61_98@yahoo.com
State: Ohio

I love your site. I'll share it with my friends and family.

Liz - 01/31/00 20:34:40
My URL:http://myjesuslives.com/getpaid.html
State: TX

your pages are so cute! I love your country and beanie graphics. God bless. :o)

Gary King - 01/20/00 01:18:04
My URL:http://www.netins.net/showcase/sovereign/index.htm
My Email:concur@netins.net
State: Iowa - USA

Nice to visit...came from a friend's site. My site at TruePath is publishing a true-life story of a lady born with Cerebral Palsy. Check at: http://members.truepath.com/goldedge/index1.htm

Jen Elsner - 01/11/00 14:35:47
My URL:http://www.ravensclaw.com/~lexus68
My Email:lexus@ravesnclaw.com
State: Texas

I like your pets names, We have 2 cats and 2 dogs, The cats are Bandit and Smokey and the dogs are Shadow and Rockey. Bandit is white and with black splashes one of which is on his eye and the name seemed to suit him.

Beth - 12/28/99 15:25:20
My Email:richoux@prodigy.net
State: LA

hi...cool site

Beanie - 11/21/99 22:01:06
My Email:beaniebeckysue@email.com
State: PA

Beautiful pages, I especially like the bible verses and links. I will deffinetly keep checking your site and have it bookmarked now. You should have a link on here to recomend it to other friends.

Shelly Sosnoski - 11/03/99 19:12:40
My Email:shellyr@fwi.com
State: Indiana

Your site has been very helpful to me. My father lived in Brevard County and has recently passed away. I can see just how the people there are and how they feel and care for one another. Thank you so much for this.

Sharon Nichols - 10/25/99 17:39:48
My Email:skn@wcoil.com
State: Ohio

Very nice I enjoyed very much. Just learning computer basics.

Roxanne - 10/10/99 23:16:54
My Email:tcc@aug.com
State: Florida

Was very touched by your mom's tribute

amanda - 09/22/99 19:04:20
State: oh

thanks for putting all this great info on the web. I am new at growig herbs and you have really helped!!

clay pounds - 08/16/99 18:16:21
My Email:claypounds@netscape.net
State: mississippi

nice webpage!

shelly - 07/15/99 21:06:57
My Email:shellyteems@hotmail.com
State: FL

Just checking out your website again. It's so wonderful! You really put a lot of good, hard work into it! Sounds like a lot of others are enjoying it too by the looks of the guestbook. I love you and the family! Say hi! Shelly.

Tre - 06/10/99 20:51:23
My URL:/sunsetstrip/pavilion/5259
My Email:tre103@hotmail.com
State: Kentucky

I like your page! Please visit mine!

Martine - 05/27/99 12:07:11
My Email:martine.vuillaume@total.com
State: France

I did'nt have time to go through your entire site but I did very much appreciate the verse at the top of the site;;; It is great to know that there are christians all over the world, even in the Cyber world... The Lord bless you and your site. Martine

Smidgit - 05/26/99 14:24:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/7841
My Email:smidgit@netscape.net
State: Maine

Love your site keep up the good work

Bernadette - 05/23/99 01:40:33
My Email:curt@ebicom.net
State: Mississippi

Hi. Lovely site with lots of great information. I plan on coming back here often. I used to live in Port St. Lucie, Florida but we are now in Mississippi.

shelly teems - 05/19/99 19:44:49
My Email:shellyteems@hotmail.com
State: FL

This is so cool, Kay! I'm so impressed! I love the part about Grandma! I have to check out the rest of it. Talk to you soon. Shelly

Marc Godfrey - 05/10/99 03:04:53
My URL:http://www.beancountry.com
My Email:headbean@beancountry.com
State: Calif.

I wanted to know if you wanted to trade banners,,go and check out my web site and let me know if you want to trade banners with each other.... Marc.

Lou - 05/08/99 15:55:13
My URL:http://www.zoomnet.net/~blgpts
My Email:blgpts@zoomnet.net
State: ohio

just stopped in to say hello, and to wish you a great day.God bless.

Bill Luntsford - 05/06/99 00:18:22
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Abeanie4u2/Page1.html
My Email:Abeanie4u2@aol.com
State: South Carolina

Kay, you have a great site! I used some of your material in my site.Please visit and give any comments in my guest book.Thank you for making your material available to everyone.

betty glaser - 04/16/99 19:58:08
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~nikki5035
My Email:nikki5035@earthlink.net
State: california

Dera Kay, Thanks for sharing you warm, cozy site with me. I love growing herbs as well. Although we are 3000 miles apart, we both have hot temps quite a bit of the year. I particularly loved your kitchen and the pet photos. Please come for a visit. And, I hope you re not in the fire area. Thanks, betty glaser member geocities garden webring

Just me again - 04/05/99 16:51:48
My Email:Timptyson@aol.com
State: Florida

Just viewed some I hadn't seen the first time I visited your webpage. You have done a fantastic job. I miss seeing you.

Karen - 04/01/99 02:14:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/3932/index.html
My Email:jkspeedy@hughes.net
State: Ca

Hello, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your site and also to let you know that I borrowed some of your graphics for my newly designed website- Please go and take a look- I have given you credit on my links page- I was also wondering if yo had the time could you please help me design a banner for my website- Thankyou, Karen!!

Liz - 03/23/99 03:48:08
My Email:Partyconnection@craftech.com
State: PA

I have really enjoyed your web page, I am really impressed. You have obviously put a lot of time & love into your work. I will surely be back again. Thank you!

Ruthie Wyant - 03/21/99 01:25:42
My Email:rwdutch@aol.com
State: PA

I really enjoy your page

Debbie Miner - 03/10/99 04:49:47
My Email:debbie@neo.lrun.com
State: Ohio

Your Homepage is great,I love it,I don't know what I liked the best,it is really done well. God Bless Debbie

Temey - 03/10/99 01:33:12
My URL:http://www,writersloft.com
My Email:temey@earthlink.net
State: Washington State

This is a neat site. I am so glad we share this wonderful faith. Thank you for sharing your memories of your mom. I'll be back to visit again. :-)

Marcia - 03/01/99 19:50:21

I Love You and God Bless You. And NEVER forget our secret: It wasnt just you Me too LOL!!

George - 02/28/99 21:50:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/7845/BRIANSANNEX/nuzimap.html
My Email:brianshouse@yahoo.com
State: Cocoa Beach, Florida

You may wish to see the oldest known map in the world at the above URL.

George - 02/28/99 21:47:37
My Email:brianshouse@yahoo.com
State: FL

You may like to visit Brian's Annex and see the oldest known map in the world at: http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/7845/BRIANSANNEX/nuzimap.html

Barbara - 02/20/99 23:36:11
My Email:Timptyson@aol.com
State: Florida

This very well done Kay. Your banners are quite original and very cute. Good Job!

paulie - 02/15/99 05:49:44
My URL:http://www.gwi.net/~paulie
My Email:paulie@gwi.net
State: Maine

Very nice website. I enjoyed my visit.

Linda Coyle - 01/16/99 15:55:00
My URL:http://see below
My Email:bluekoala@hotmail.com
State: NE GA

Beautifully done site...I will have to spend lots of time here! Come visit us too!

Tiggery - 01/14/99 17:07:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/Beanies/index.html
My Email:TiggeryTig@aol.com
State: Az

Wow! Great graphics you have made...I wish i could learn how to make them....But wow how creative you are!!! Good all around site...Thanks

Jill - 01/02/99 15:36:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/6570
My Email:jill876@hotmail.com
State: NY

I didn't yet, but I soon will be using some of your graphics. Thanks, they are great!

Atalantha - 12/19/98 09:06:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/8617/
My Email:pagan@mako.com
State: CA

You have a wonderful site! I enjoyed my visit here immensely! Atalantha

C Sall - 12/13/98 03:27:16
My URL:http://home.att.net/~SteelFaith/index.html
My Email:SteelFaith@worldnet.att.net
State: FL

Great site!! May God richly bless you.

trish - 12/11/98 22:25:29
My Email:sirach@earthlink.net
State: FL

Wow!!! Obviously you put a lot of work into this. It's beautiful! I'm impressed....again! Keep up the good work. Trish

Randy Hartung - 12/06/98 18:22:37
My Email:CrazyRandy@aol.com
State: Florida

Merry Christmas

Randy Hartung - 12/06/98 18:18:14
My Email:CrazyRandy@aol.com
State: Florida

Merry Christmas

Michael White - 12/05/98 02:34:50
My Email:The-White-House@msn.com
State: IL


M. Bear Promotions - 12/04/98 07:35:12
My URL:http://i.am/mbearpromos
My Email:mbearpromos@mailexcite.com
State: USA

3 Bear Blowout $99.95!!!! Libearty, Maple & Brittania. Please email or visit our website for more details.

M. Bear Promotions - 12/04/98 07:35:11
My URL:http://i.am/mbearpromos
My Email:mbearpromos@mailexcite.com
State: USA

3 Bear Blowout $99.95!!!! Libearty, Maple & Brittania. Please email or visit our website for more details.

Kathy Foster - 12/03/98 23:52:03
My Email:cawbird@mediaone.net
State: IL

Super job on you site Kay! I just love your Christmas page! Awesome use of the applets. Love you very much Sis :) Birdy

Cindy - 12/03/98 17:24:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/8043/
My Email:cindi@toast.net
State: Oregon

Kay your Christmas pages are wonderful! Actually your whole site is awesome. I love coming here. Love, cindy

RoMaN - 12/03/98 02:29:18
My Email:chuckie@pe.net
State: California

Your Christmas pages are wonderful Kay! I'm so impressed with all the work you've done on it and in such a short amount of time too. Great job!

Deb - 11/29/98 02:56:08
State: NY

Great Beanie Graphics! Enjoyed my visit.

michael ajayi - 11/07/98 13:26:40
My Email:michael_60440@yahoo.com
State: il

Kavid you have a beautiful family and a very nice homepage. I am glad to have met you. God be with you and your family, and stay Blessed.

Amy - 10/28/98 05:27:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/spritlife
My Email:Amy71760@aol.com
State: Florida

Hi from Lakeland- you have a lovely page. I really appreciate the info on herbs!

Joyce - 10/11/98 01:41:22
My Email:JMVMRWH@aol.com
State: OH

Hi you have a very nice site I'll visit again I love beanies

Trish - 10/10/98 21:34:26
My Email:Sirach@earthlink.net
State: FL

It is AWESOME....you did a great job on the background and graphics. Keep up the good work.

Larry Collins - 10/06/98 12:49:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1302
My Email:lcollins@xu.campuscw.net
State: Ohio

Hi! Your page is a great place to visit. Keep up the good work.

10/04/98 12:30:38
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

FlyerTuck - 09/27/98 05:39:15
My Email:aotucker@yahoo.com
State: KY

Kay, Enjoyed playing spades with you. You have a fantastic site. It covers everything..especially the lord. I'll show this to my sisters who are going to love it. thanks again.

Beth - 09/25/98 16:33:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1920/
My Email:bethp@wt.net
State: Texas

Hi Kay, I really enjoyed looking through your pages! Thank you so much for adding the pages on herbs, it was just what I was looking for!

Sherri White - 09/23/98 23:22:47
My Email:patches@digitalpla.net
State: Utah

Wish I would have visited before now. Your web site is awesome Kay. I book marked it so I can come back...

Anthony - 09/23/98 16:04:28
My Email:pudge89@hotmail
State: Newfoundland Canada

Great homepage kay i love your commintment to the lord. I love DC talk and I love the lord. May god bless you and your family and keep you safe. Also may he work throu you.

Keith - 09/18/98 15:50:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/6951
My Email:kzimmerman@kltymail.com
State: Texas

You have a very sweet and wonderful page here...keep your eyes on the Master....May He use you and your page to His glory and honor... Your brother in Christ, Keith

April - 09/16/98 19:46:42
My Email:StelFanMom@aol.com
State: Ga.


chad malone - 09/16/98 18:51:30
My Email:chad_malone@hotmail.com
State: IN

Looks great. May God Bless your life and also your families!

chad malone - 09/16/98 18:50:48
My Email:chad_malone@hotmail.com
State: IM

Looks great. May God Bless your life and also your families!

Cindy Lozier - 09/16/98 03:00:51
My Email:mountaindoc@email.msn.com
State: Tennessee

Have "seen" you on the Beanie bb. You've really worked hard on the new beanie graphics & backgrounds. They are great! Thanks for Sharing. Cindy

CA - 09/15/98 13:40:36
My URL:http://members.truepath.com/lovejoypeace/CA
My Email:carolann_rf@email.msn.com
State: MA

Kay, Your site is such a wonderful place to visit! You have everything a person could need. From the most important,JESUS, to Beanie Babies. VBS May God bless you and your family..... CA

Michael Davis - 09/15/98 12:27:58
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/4387/Christian.html
My Email:mesivad@aol.com
State: Washington

I was reading a guestbook of a Christian site and saw your name. God bless. Keep praising the Lord. Michael.

James Fletcher Baxter - 09/12/98 02:38:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/2728
My Email:choicemaker@thegrid.net
State: California

In Jesus' name. Welcome Generation-Choicemaker. Joel 3:14 KJV Never forget who you are...made in His image...for Freedom. Man is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. Psalms 119:30,173 Hi unique and definitive characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his environment, institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the Order of the universe. Let us proclaim it. Behold! The SEASON of Generation - Choicemaker. selah

Frances - 09/01/98 18:24:46
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/6871
My Email:praise@suite224.net

Hi You are doing a great job spreading the word of the Lord.I was here once before and stopped back to see how you are doing.There is not much time left before Jesus returns. May God Bless your continued work for Him.In His Love Frances



John Schmiess - 08/31/98 17:57:27
My URL:http://www.europa.com/~johns/
My Email:johns@europa.com
State: Oregon

Hi K@Y!! I really enjoyed my visit to your page. You've done an excellent job with the layout. Anyway I thought I'd visit some of my online Christian sisters sites today during break periods at work. I think that was a good idea because I feel blessed by your pag s. They truly glorify the Lord! K@Y, I'm so glad you belong to Birdy's group! You and the other ladies really portray what a Christian should be by the love you show. I'm proud to know you! Love in HIM, John's Joy!

danny parsons - 08/24/98 20:54:54
State: fl.

love you always.i viewed your web page and i love it. <3danny god be with us always

Sylvia McCollum - 08/23/98 20:37:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/EkomomaiHawaii
My Email:jsmcc@webtv.net
State: Hawaii

Aloha....I just had to tell you what a beautiful page you have...checked out your graphics area.and will be back..(smile) Please come and visit me when you have the time...Mahalo, Sylvia

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