Scrap-Cloth Wreaths
- A styrafoam ring that is two inches smaller in diameter than the
size for the desired wreath (available at most craft stores)
- Pinking shears
- A dull pencil
- Several yards of various scrap fabrics (in the colors desired and
with enough fabric left to allow cutting of 2in squares
- Begin by cutting dozens of 2in squares of fabric. Use the pinking
shears to prevent fraying of the edges. The number needed will vary
depending upon the size of the wreath, but will average around 3 or 4 squares
for every square inch.
- After you have a fair number of the fabric squares, begin to place
them in the styrafoam by using a dull pencil. Put the tip of the pencil into the
center of the square, wrap the rest up around the pencil and gently push the
pencil into the styrafoam ring. The fabric should be driven in approximately
1/3 to 1/2 of an inch deep and should be close enough together so as to hide
the ring, but not so close as to seem cramped. Again, the best spacing is
around 1/2 of an inch but use your own discretion. (See figure 1)
Figure 1
- Alternating colors, or pursuing a random design, continue to
insert the fabric squares. It is good to start on the top of the ring, in the
center, and then to work your way outward from there. It is important to put
the fabric not only on the surface of the ring, but also along both the inside
and outside edges of the ring, and on the corners so as to cover all of the
visible styrafoam.
- Once the ring is covered, go back and carefully check to see if
there are any bare spots. If there are, simply insert enough pieces of fabric so
as to cover them up.
- When you are satisfied with your wreath, you can glue or wire a
bow or flowers onto it, and then simply hang on a nail or string and enjoy!!!