Ribbon Roses
ribbon, (regular edging, preferably curling type package ribbon)
Cut a length of ribbon, approximately one to one and a half feet long. (Cut it longer if you have thick ribbon.)
Fold the ribbon at the middle. (See Figure 1)

Figure 1
Fold the ribbon from the bottom layer over the top one. (See Figure 2)

Figure 2
Now, since the piece that you just folded is on the top, it is now the other strand of ribbon that should be folded over.
Continue to fold the bottom layer of ribbon over the top until there is approximately two inches left unfolded.
At this point, take note of which strand of ribbon is currently on the bottom. However, instead of folding it over the top, first gently pinch both ribbons just short of where you have been folding.
Next, gently pull on the ribbon that is on the bottom, but without letting go of the other one. Continue to pull until the entire chain of folded ribbon has bunched itself up into a little rose.
Finally, and without letting go of the rose, use florist's tape, or another variety to tape the two strands of ribbon together and prevent them from moving. You don't have to tape the entire length of the ribbon, only about an inch at the very top next to the rose. (See figure 3)

Figure 3
Your rose is now finished, use it to decorate another project, your room or give it to a friend or teacher to let them know how special they are.
