Gumwrapper Chains



  1. Remove the outer paper wrapping off of an ordinary stick of gum and open it up.
  2. Carefully fold the paper in half, the long way. This means that your fold will be in the same direction as the ones from the gum itself.
  3. Crease the fold tightly with your fingernail. Unfold the paper and fold it along the same line, but inside-out this time, creasing heavily once more.
  4. Then, open up the paper and very carefully tear it in half. If you creased well enough, it should tear fairly easily, but still be careful.
  5. Take one half of the gum wrapper that you just tore in half and fold it in half the long way.
  6. With the half-wrapper still folded, fold it in half once more. Please try to be fairly accurate.
  7. Next, fold the slip of paper in half the short way.
  8. Then, bring each end into the center, folding it in half again. (See figure 1)

    Figure 1

  9. After making several of these folded "V" shapes, take one and thread the arms of another through the folds in its arms. (See figure 2)

    Figure 2

  10. Once a several wrappers have been added onto the chain a kind of zigzag chain will emerge. Keep building for as long as you want, but don't chew too much gum. (See figure 3)

    Figure 3

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