Hi! Thanks for visiting our homepage, enjoy visiting these other homepages our guests have left behind for you to see!

Shana - 12/06/00 01:01:13
My Email:Leenae@webtv.net
Where Are You From?: Chicago ,IL
What Did You Think?: I think your website is very cool
How Did You Find Us?: on the web

Hi my name is shana I am afemale

Missy Thompson - 08/28/00 18:51:13
My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/2452
My Email:dmthompson@zebra.net
Where Are You From?: AL
How Did You Find Us?: Mom's Life

I really enjoyed visiting your site and reading your stories. You have a beautiful family!!

Laura - 05/05/00 05:24:20
My URL:http://members.home.net/laurasos/lalablog/blogger.html
My Email:lalasos@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Link: http://www.sosamon.com
Where Are You From?: Denver, Colorado
What Did You Think?: Smashing, Baby!

Hey twisted sister; just noticing you still have Head Case linked at the bottom of your page. ;-)

Stephanie Splinis - 03/20/00 04:07:17
My Email:AlergriaFire@msn.com
Where Are You From?: Tarpon Springs

I love your pictures, you have a beautiful family! May you be blessed with happiness and love all your life!!!

alicia larkey - 01/06/00 05:18:44
My Email:mrsalicia@yahoo.com
Where Are You From?: momslife
What Did You Think?: wish i could do that
How Did You Find Us?: your link thingy


CC - 09/04/99 16:56:09

The Setterstrom's - 08/13/99 01:31:48
My URL:http://www.members.home.net/shadie1
My Email:shadie1@home.com
Where Are You From?: BC Canada

Hello from The Setterstrom's. You have a wonderful homepage and a lovely family. We really enjoyed our visit! Have a great day!

CC - 08/07/99 02:29:32

Deb Sullivan - 08/05/99 18:52:41
My Email:Sullivan@sprint.ca
Your Favorite Link: Momslife
Where Are You From?: Canada, Ontario
What Did You Think?: WOW!!!!!
How Did You Find Us?: Main Street Mom

I have only been on the internet for a week. I love it. I stay home and now I feel like I have a window to the world. My daughter is four and she thinks your family is cute. it is! I also have a son, he'll be seven on Friday the thirteenth. Hope to ee more.

Shannan B. - 06/12/99 19:02:35
My URL:http://N/A
My Email:smb771@aol.com
Your Favorite Link: momsonline.com
Where Are You From?: Oklahoma
What Did You Think?: WOW!!!!!
How Did You Find Us?:

I didn't know you could make a home page. wow, this was so neat.

Laura - 05/17/99 17:07:24
My URL:http://www2.netcom.com/~laurasos/
My Email:lalasos@hotmail.com
Where Are You From?: Denver, CO

Matthew is an angel, Colleen! Congratulations to all of you!

Paula2 - 04/25/99 04:20:25
My URL:http://www.newwave.net/~basketmoos
My Email:basketmoos@newwave.net
Your Favorite Link: ML, of course!!
Where Are You From?: WV
What Did You Think?: I think??
How Did You Find Us?: ML

Lookin' good Colleen! Love all the pics and the midi!!

beth o - 03/11/99 14:35:19
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/BerthasBabies/welcome.html
My Email:baosjo@inil.com
Your Favorite Link: www.momslife.com
Where Are You From?: IL

Colleen this is a really nice page! I also checked out Mom's Life and will probably be back!!! See ya around....

Mary Beth - 03/10/99 02:34:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/paprika55/index.html
Where Are You From?: ohio

I start to think I am getting pretty good at this home page stuff and then I see one like this!! Wow!! You sure know your stuff!! I loved your site! Thanks for sharing it!!

Kathie - 02/11/99 18:05:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/3621
My Email:excaliburgrey@geocities.com
Your Favorite Link: http://www.africam.com
Where Are You From?: Delaware
What Did You Think?: Very pretty site!
How Did You Find Us?: My guestbook

Very pretty site. Colleen! I love Bailey!

Anne - 02/02/99 18:16:21

Melissa - 01/20/99 00:55:26
My Email:PAMOMS@aol.com
Where Are You From?: Phildadelphia
How Did You Find Us?: Moms Life

Excellent pictures, Colleen! Everyone looked like they had a blast!

Barb - 01/19/99 17:29:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/7165
My Email:hedstrom@rea-alp.com
Your Favorite Link: Moms Life
Where Are You From?: Minnesota
How Did You Find Us?: Moms Life

Very well done, Colleen! The Disney page was fantastic!

Gloria - 01/19/99 02:24:02

Renee - 01/19/99 01:02:27

Very nice ! Esp. the disney page....and you are allowed to have pg mush brain...LOL

brenda - 01/18/99 20:47:49

Darla - 01/18/99 15:10:49
My Email:drawles@earthlink.net
Your Favorite Link: Mom's Life
Where Are You From?: Va Beach
What Did You Think?: Great!
How Did You Find Us?: Mom's Life

Looks great Colleen! Love the Disney pics.

Laura - 12/29/98 02:17:24
My URL:http://www2.netcom.com/~laurasos/
Where Are You From?: Denver, CO
What Did You Think?: Marvy
How Did You Find Us?: Moms Online

I liked the new pictures, Colleen! Congratulations once again on baby number three!

Leslie - 12/28/98 18:31:41
My Email:tking@brtc.net
Where Are You From?: Kentucky
What Did You Think?: GREAT Job, Colleen!!
How Did You Find Us?: You know! LOL

I just finished reading every word and looking at every picture on your pages....and enjoyed them all!!! I can't wait for the pages of your newest little Caldwell addition!!!!

Rachael - 12/13/98 06:30:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/kaelten/index.html
My Email:cindyc@mail.kmsp.com
Where Are You From?: Utah
What Did You Think?: Your Page is great!

Hi Catherine & Gracie!! I love your pages!! Your Mommy & Daddy must have worked really hard on them!! You two are soooo adorable! And I loved reading all about you too! I also loved your page on your dog Bailey!! It was so fun to read all about her! She's also very cute! Thanks for letting me visit!! And come visit us!

Lisa Ann - 12/06/98 16:25:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2569
My Email:sparkles@idirect.com
Where Are You From?: Mississauga, Ontario
How Did You Find Us?: Moms Online

Hello there. Nice page, the pics are great. Keep up the great work!! See you around the board. Lisa Ann ICQ#8395027

Laurie St. Louis - 11/23/98 16:51:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/AlexandraAndMatthew
My Email:mommyof2@prodigy.net
Where Are You From?: Sunrise, Florida
How Did You Find Us?: Moms Life webring

Hi. You have a great page and such cute kids! Please check out our site and notice the link I have for a mailing list I started for Florida moms!

Julie and Josie - 10/26/98 04:51:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Julia_Schultz/Josie.html
My Email:baga01@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Link: Storksite
Where Are You From?: Philadelphia
What Did You Think?: Great Page
How Did You Find Us?: Babies of the Month

Congratulations Erin Grace on being Baby of the Month for October. From, Josie (another participating baby of the month)

traci - 09/11/98 04:10:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tracilynn/traci
My Email:tracilynns@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Link: mine! rofl :)
Where Are You From?: toronto
What Did You Think?: I loved your page
How Did You Find Us?: webring

hi there
great page! Very well put together with great links :)
Keep up the great work,

JackieP - 09/06/98 20:46:24
My URL:http://home.att.net/~scojack/index.htm
My Email:jackbox7@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Link: too many to list!
Where Are You From?: Live in VA but from FL - dh is from MI
What Did You Think?: Great job!
How Did You Find Us?: Link from Gracies pic at baby contest!

Hi Colleen - Its Jackie from MOL - I was voting in a baby contest (for Amber Zambits son) and saw Gracies pic so I voted and then came to visit. Great job of course!! See you at MOL!

Natalie - 09/03/98 14:27:42
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/7579
Your Favorite Link: Sesame Street
Where Are You From?: WI
What Did You Think?: great
How Did You Find Us?: i know you

Hi Gracie, Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a great time on your birthday. Take care! Natalie and Molly

Brittney - 08/31/98 01:53:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/2774
My Email:schonto@cybergal.com
Your Favorite Link: storksite
Where Are You From?: FL
What Did You Think?: Loved your page!
How Did You Find Us?: Babies of the Month

Hi Grace and Catherine! Both of you are so pretty! We really enjoyed our visit. Grace, We saw your pics on the Babies of the MOnth page and had to visit. We are from FL too!

Theresa - 08/28/98 20:08:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ferrallfamily/index.html
My Email:ferrallgtzs@worldnet.att.net
Where Are You From?: Florida
What Did You Think?: very cool
How Did You Find Us?: baby contest

When I saw that you were also from Fl. I thought I'd check out your page, Your daughters are beautiful. The den has also become my favorite hang out since I went on-line (July 4th weekend) and I love to make these silly web pages! We also have one for ou doggie Brutis (sorry I have one for my cat as well) I have two girls, Zoë 4, and Sonja 8 months. I hope you come visit us sometime.

Bill - 07/31/98 12:58:05
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~alien77
My Email:alien77@earthlink.net
Where Are You From?: Pittsburgh

Colleen Thank you for visiting The Natural Choice and signing our guest book. You have a great site here. Keep up the good work.

Julie - 07/26/98 06:30:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/6801/
My Email:jsboyz@gte.net
Where Are You From?: Southern California
How Did You Find Us?: Mom's Life Webring

Hi Colleen...just cruising around the Webing tonight, and /FONT>thought I'd stop and say HI!
Also wanted to show off my html colorizer ::GRIN:: Th< ONT COLOR="#29F6F1">e girls are gettin
g big! See you on the bards :)

Amy L - 07/22/98 02:21:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~RACAL/
My Email:alepre@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Link: http://members.tripod.com/~RACAL/
Where Are You From?: DE
What Did You Think?: Great site!
How Did You Find Us?: Surfed on in!

Hi Colleen! Thanks for signing my guestbook : ) I am soooooo impressed that you looked at all my pictures, too!

I love your graphics that Steph made:-)

I can't believe how much Catherine is growing up, she doesn't look like a baby anymore. See you around!

kay - 07/09/98 20:39:40
My Email:pakamit@aol.com
Where Are You From?: Mississippi
What Did You Think?: Wonderful
How Did You Find Us?: MOL


Lindsay&Amber - 07/03/98 01:19:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/1007/
My Email:dunskey@netcom.ca
Your Favorite Link: lots
Where Are You From?: Canada
What Did You Think?: Great page!
How Did You Find Us?: wandering geocities

Great page, your kids are beautiful! Come and visit us someday!

- 07/01/98 19:20:55


sooz - 06/24/98 17:34:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/1215/
My Email:gorms@earthlink.net
Your Favorite Link: my own! LOL
Where Are You From?: Mars
What Did You Think?: your site is GREAT
How Did You Find Us?: ICQ, another Mom's site that will remain nameless (LOL)

Could your girls be ANY cuter?????!!!! LOL!!!! Great site Colleen!!!!

Meg - 06/24/98 12:28:39
My URL:http://www.net1plus.com/users/meganj
My Email:momtotyler@hotmail.com
Where Are You From?: Mass.

I'm amazed that Gracie is going to be turning one soon and Catherine is 2 1/2. Wow, where does the time go. They're beautiful and growing up so fast!! :o)

Renee - 06/22/98 21:37:59
My Email:r_rsglbtm@hotmial.com
Your Favorite Link: Mom's Life
Where Are You From?: ga.
What Did You Think?: very weel done
How Did You Find Us?: Mom's life web ring!

Amazing how you are the first one in the web ring!LOL I loved the voices of Catherine and I will take the dog ANYTIME!!

Sue M. - 06/20/98 04:58:57
My Email:suematt@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Link: MOL
Where Are You From?: Texas
What Did You Think?: You did a great job. I am so impressed.
How Did You Find Us?: MOL

I have been missing the sweet picture of Grace at MOL so I came to get my "fix". She is an absolute angel (Actually, both girls are)

Edie H. - 06/10/98 18:37:30
My URL:/Heartland/Plains/9596
My Email:sparkyandedie@bigfoot.com
Your Favorite Link: Moms Online!
Where Are You From?: The Northern Neck of Virginia
What Did You Think?: Simply wonderful page!
How Did You Find Us?: Shameless plug on the Message Boards LOL

Colleen --- what do you mean "empty?" This guest book is anything but "empty!" Now if you want to see an empty guestbook, LOL....... I love your page and your little darlings are absolutely precious! I'm going now to check out MomsLife. Take care and keep up the good work. See you at MOL! Visit our Home on the Web!

Laura M. - 06/10/98 17:44:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/3302/
My Email:rkmldm@netrax.net
Your Favorite Link: MOL
Where Are You From?: Pennsylvania
What Did You Think?: I love your page!!!
How Did You Find Us?: MOL

You have done a rel nice job on your page. I started this internet thing just in Jan of 98 and I too am VERY hooked!!! Keep up the great work!

Ellen Ballard - 06/10/98 17:28:32
My Email:eballard@ket.org
Where Are You From?: Lexington, Kentucky
What Did You Think?: AWESOME
How Did You Find Us?: Moms Online

Colleen, I love your pages. Here I am signing your stinkin' guestbook. You've had an eventful young life!

aimee (mykidsmom) - 06/10/98 05:52:54
My URL:http://www.syix.com/jna/aimeespage/aimee.htm
My Email:jna@syix.com
Your Favorite Link: www.syix.com/jna
Where Are You From?: N. California
What Did You Think?: Great page
How Did You Find Us?: Moms online

I really enjoyed your pages. I have visited a couple of times and forgot to sign so I'm glad I remembered this time.

Meg - 06/04/98 11:56:42
My URL:http://www.net1plus.com/users/meganj
My Email:momtotyler@hotmail.com
Where Are You From?: East Coast
What Did You Think?: Great Job
How Did You Find Us?: Word of Mouth

Hi! Stopped by for a quick peek. You know that little Gracie got my vote!! *G*

Laura - 05/12/98 19:56:44
My Email:LSosamon@worldnet.att.net
Your Favorite Link: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/8838/
Where Are You From?: Denver, CO
What Did You Think?: Nice page! Sweet family.
How Did You Find Us?: Jeez, Colleen, how could I not find you? I see you everywhere!

Hi Colleen, I'm sure I've signed your book before, but this is the first time I've actually gone through ALL of your pages!! I just love your chocolate lab and his big soft nose. We have a boxer we love. I listened to Catherine talk too. Just wanted t give you some positive feedback on a job well done!!

Denise B. - 05/10/98 05:29:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8542
My Email:deni55@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Link: Preston's page
Where Are You From?: Washington
What Did You Think?: Way to Go!

Seeeeee!!! I finally made it to sign your guestbook. Great job!

Lee C - 05/06/98 03:32:59
My Email:ccs@netropolis.net
Your Favorite Link: Yours of course
Where Are You From?: Texas
What Did You Think?: cool
How Did You Find Us?: YOU

hey i came are you happy......it is neat!!!!!!

Renny - 05/06/98 01:35:22
My Email:r_raglbtm@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Link: Mom's life.........of course!
Where Are You From?: Georgia
What Did You Think?: very nice
How Did You Find Us?: your shameless plug! LOL


Lisa H - 05/03/98 02:43:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3882
My Email:grizzly@msn.com
Your Favorite Link: my own page, of course
What Did You Think?: I think your homepage is great!

Colleen: Great job!!! I read every page and loved them all. I had tears in my eyes reading about the birth of Catherine and Grace. They are both cuties!!

Anne - 05/01/98 22:44:05

Kelly and Tommy - 04/29/98 05:34:21
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/8764/
My Email:tommieshome@geocities.com
Your Favorite Link: mine! hehe!
Where Are You From?: Canada
What Did You Think?: beautifully done!
How Did You Find Us?: Brag Board

You have a very well done site, and I sure enjoyed looking around and seeing pictures.. Don't you just love those preggo pic's!! Come and visit my little boy's site sometime!
Kelly and Tommy

Tommy's Room
kelly's kreations
The Baby Pages Webring

Faith - 04/27/98 17:58:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/8810
My Email:airycat@geocities.com
Where Are You From?: Virginia
What Did You Think?: Very nice
How Did You Find Us?: MOL

I enjoyed looking around, seeing your lovely family, and listening to Catherine. I liked Bailey's page, too. Rani (my lab) looked, but since Bailey didn't move, she didn't believe it was another dog.

Linnette Albers - 04/27/98 16:00:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8564
My Email:albers@unitelsd.com
Your Favorite Link: http://www.momsonline.com
Where Are You From?: SD
What Did You Think?: I loved your pages Colleen, and you have a beautiful family. I haven't checked it all out yet, but I'll be back! Great job!
How Did You Find Us?: momsonline message boards


triley - 04/27/98 15:00:56
My Email:trishavs025@hotmail
Your Favorite Link: Best Sites For Women
Where Are You From?: Singapore
What Did You Think?: Super Dee Duper!!
How Did You Find Us?: mom's life....

Colleen...i just ADORE your page, especially the of Catherine's voice!! I'm thinking of having my own homepage but I'm so scared..I know nuts about creating webpages, even simple things like downloading stuff from the Net would make me break into sweat... LOL..talk to you soon!!..again, what a great page!

Jennifer P - 04/27/98 12:30:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/3100/index.html
My Email:JPrall@juno.com
Your Favorite Link: http://www.momsonline.com
Where Are You From?: Savannah GA
What Did You Think?: Great Page!!!
How Did You Find Us?: URL was on momsonline message board

I love your page, the design and everything. You have done a great job. You have cute daughters. I can't wait until you add more.

amber leigh - 04/27/98 02:01:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8911
My Email:chicky_ma_ma@hotmail.com
Where Are You From?: mi
What Did You Think?: I love momslife... and I love your page
How Did You Find Us?: you told me about it

I enjoyed my visit to your page!!!! Come visit again anytime!!!!

Shannon - 04/24/98 23:39:18
My Email:wmurray4@gte.net
Your Favorite Link: momslife of course
Where Are You From?: FL
What Did You Think?: Loved it
How Did You Find Us?: Colleen

Love Catherines voice thing. Looks good. I will come back and check it out as you add more, so let me know.

Matthew Stiller - 04/24/98 18:49:29
My Email:CorruptAir@aol.com
Your Favorite Link: too many
Where Are You From?: you know
What Did You Think?: pretty cool
How Did You Find Us?: Colleen emailed me

this is really cool. i like it. must be nice to have time to do all this!!! just kidding

Aunt Cheryl Football - 04/24/98 01:22:37
My Email:pwgator@GTE.NET
Your Favorite Link: www.espn.com
Where Are You From?: where do u think?
What Did You Think?: needs more aunt cheryl
How Did You Find Us?: i'm stuck with u

Needs more Gracie and less Colleen and Catherine! She is my best friend! I'm with Jimbo on the ESPN sportszone, it's the only place to go on the web, except for smutville, USA..land of filth. HA HA

Nadine - 04/23/98 23:26:15
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/9241/
My Email:nmcmanus@empireone.net
Where Are You From?: Albany, NY
How Did You Find Us?: A threatening ICQ message! :)

Looks good! :)

Nadine - 04/23/98 23:25:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9241/
My Email:nmcmanus@empireone.net
Where Are You From?: Albany, NY
How Did You Find Us?: A threatening ICQ message! :)


Stacy Boshell - 04/23/98 23:04:25
My Email:stashell@ptdprolog.com
Your Favorite Link: Colleen's page
Where Are You From?: Pennsylvania
What Did You Think?: It looks great!!!!
How Did You Find Us?: Mom's Life

Colleen- Your home page looks great. You did a great job! Even Katelyn my 3yr old liked it. She enjoyed hearing Catherine. Keep up the great work. Talk to you soon on ICQ or Mom's Life. Stacy

Vicky - 04/23/98 20:59:46
My Email:nelsond@gte.net
Where Are You From?: Fl
What Did You Think?: Great Job
How Did You Find Us?: From you!:)

You did a great job. My kids really enjoyed listening to Catherine. :)

Sherri & Celina - 04/23/98 19:38:35
My Email:cmommie@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Link: Moms Life
Where Are You From?: Toronto
What Did You Think?: Great!!!
How Did You Find Us?: Thru Colleen! On Icq

Great job Colleen! Celina loves hearing Catherine, and thinks she is talking to her :)

Steph - 04/23/98 17:17:01
My Email:stephminor@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Link: Mine & my friends =0)
Where Are You From?: Southern Ca.
What Did You Think?: Oh about alot of different things...and you? ROFLMAO!
How Did You Find Us?: From you Colleen! =0)

Hey Colleen....Great job on your page! It looks really good...I already came to visit a few days ago just didn't have time to sign the book...sorry but here I am! LOL! Talk to ya later! =0)

Darla - 04/23/98 14:36:24
My Email:mikec@jaguarsystems.com
Where Are You From?: Earth......LOL
What Did You Think?: Lovely site!
How Did You Find Us?: Colleen sent me the URL via ICQ !!

You did a great job, Colleen!!! I am seriously impressed!

Natalie - 04/23/98 13:09:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7579
Your Favorite Link: Babynet
Where Are You From?: WI
What Did You Think?: Great
How Did You Find Us?: You twisted my arm (hehe)

Hi Colleen, your homepage looks great. I was just here sometime last week and there wasn't all that stuff on there. You must have worked really hard on your homepage the last couple weeks. Natalie P.S. The girls are beautiful!

Meg - 04/23/98 12:19:28
My URL:http://www.net1plus.com/users/meganj/index.html
My Email:momtotyler@hotmail.com
Where Are You From?: East Coast
What Did You Think?: GREAT JOB
How Did You Find Us?: ICQ

Way to Colleen!! I enjoyed reading about everyone and seeing their pictures. Keep up the great job!! Thanks for the link!

Denise G. - 04/23/98 11:28:42
My Email:
Where Are You From?: Illinois
What Did You Think?: Superdedooper
How Did You Find Us?: Well by you of course:oD

Colleen, you must forgive me I thought I had signed your guestbook. OOPPs guess I hadnt. I just loved it though. The clips of Catherine talking even cracked up Tyler. I will definatley be back to check on your progress. Denise

Tracy Roberts - 04/23/98 05:37:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/9118
My Email:feather@c2i2.com
Your Favorite Link: uh...yours?!?! LOL
Where Are You From?: Arizona
What Did You Think?: Wonderful page!!!
How Did You Find Us?: :-P (ICQ)

I think it was a bottle of scotch you requested???LOL I just came by to drop it off! ROFLMAO!!!!!

Melissa Smith - 04/23/98 05:33:57
My Email:jasgrs2@ccipost.net
Your Favorite Link: MOMS LIFE, of course!!
Where Are You From?: Illinois
What Did You Think?: Very nicely done!!
How Did You Find Us?: Hmmmm, I wonder!!!

You've got a great family, and such a wonderful, familiar start!!

Rox - 04/23/98 05:05:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5284/
How Did You Find Us?: Just Surfed on in!

Hi! I like what you have done with the place so far! I think you have been to my site before, but come back anytime, I have redecorated and added to it! See you at MOL! Rox

Laura Sosoman - 04/23/98 05:03:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5214/index.html
My Email:LSosamon@worldnet.att.net
Where Are You From?: Denver
How Did You Find Us?: Word of Mouth

Colleen!! I didn't realize you were the Colleen of Moms Life! I see you all over Moms Online, but you've signed my guestbook and put a picture of my daughter on your Moms Life picture page! (She's the one hanging upside down in the closet with her best fr end...) Wow, small world (wide web!) You have a great looking family, and I must say, a pretty darned handsome hubby too. I enjoyed reading your page!! Visit our pages too! My link is above, or Kayley's page can be found here. See ya!

Cindy K - 04/23/98 04:59:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/3396/
Where Are You From?: Pennsylvania
How Did You Find Us?: Word of mouth

What a great page you have! I loved all the stories about your family - especially the visit to your girls' rooms! See you at MOL !

Tracy Roberts - 04/23/98 04:57:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/9118/
Where Are You From?: Arizona
How Did You Find Us?: Just surfed on in!

You have a great page, and a wonderful family! When are you going to join the "big families", and have some more?? LOL Great job, and I love Moms Life!

Toma - 04/23/98 04:56:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/1267/
How Did You Find Us?: Word of Mouth

What a pretty page! Just love reading about other families. I will be checking back see youat momsonline!

Edie - 04/23/98 04:54:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9596/
My Email:sparkyandedie@bigfoot.com
Where Are You From?: The Beautiful Northern Neck of Virginia LOL
How Did You Find Us?: Word of Mouth

Colleen --- This is a super page! I love the fabric borders and the theme of going from room to room - very clever. The whole thing is very professionally done (of course, you are a professional after all! I have also been to your other site, which is exc llent!) and attractive. Keep up the good work and I'll see ya around MOL!

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