A4xNut's Wheelin' Page

Welcome Cyber-Wheelers!

Here you'll find whatever I feel like putting up at the moment. . .

or more likely, what my limited html skills will allow. :)

If you came here looking for a page on a 1980 International Scout II CVI Hot Stuff special edition...
Sorry... I sold the Scout in December '97 and have taken the Scout's pictures and information down.
If you'd like to check out where it went, it went to live with Jerry & Stacey Muncie . Stacey gave Jerry the Scout for Christmas! What a nice wife!

If you followed a link here from a Scout related page, please let them know this is no longer a Scout site.

For now, here's a brief story I call, IRC Carnage:
Hopefully, more will come later. . . :^D

Here's a shot of my Cherokee, taken in the spring of '98 tackling the "Can Opener" at the (Vancouver) Island Rock Crawlers' Rock Crawl 98.

A mile or so later and the XJ seemed to be handling strangely - even though speeds were in the 3-5 mph range. I got out and took a look and this is what I found...

I guess if you wanna play, you gotta pay!
Fortunately, a friend was there with his truck and trailer. He removed his camper and drug the trailer out to where I was stranded on an old forest road. The trailer did little leveling on the way in - and even more on the way out. Lucky for me, the Jeep that came to the event on the trailer was able to drive home, so my XJ got to ride the trailer home.

After I got it home, the control arm brackets were beefed up by strapping the inside of the uni-frame of the torn side before welding it back into place, then Comanche control arm brakets were added to both sides, along with a few strategic gussets on the inboard side which, unfortunately, can't be seen in this shot.

Maybe one of these days I'll get around to putting more up here or on my other site, but for now I'm busy enough working (for a pay check, or on a Jeep), Jeepin', or reading my Jeepoffroad, or my XJ Digest... :)

There's a couple of other places where my Jeeps can be checked out while you're web surfing.

My Northern Lights Jeep page.
My CJ-5's spot on the Jeep-L owners rigs pages.
My Cherokee's spot on the Jeep-L owners rigs pages.
My Cherokee's spot on my club's site.

Looking for a good, family oriented, trail club in the Seattle/Everett area?

Check out my club, the Timber Tamers.

We're members of Region 1 of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association.

Click here to drop me a line if you wanna talk Jeeps or other 'wheelin' related activities.

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