Friends of Terriers, Inc.

"Hey, hold off on the bone -
I want to..."


Check These Stats!

Thanks to the Connecticut Humane Society, who published the following wonderful stats in their Winter, 1997 issue of Pet Life. They state that according to the American Canine Temperament Testing Association, 95 percent of the American Pit Bull Terriers that took its temperament test passed, compared to a 77 percent passing rate for all breeds on average. Furthermore, APBT’s had a passing rate that was the fourth highest of all 122 breeds tested! I think we all, in our hearts, know this, but it sure is good to see it in print somewhere!! If only this information could be seen by more people - I guess this is a start!

These stats are part of a larger article called "Pinky’s Triumph" which praises the pit bull terrier as the wonderful breed it is. The article realistically points out the importance of proper breeding, socialization and training, the result being that `pits’ can thus make excellent pets. It also makes note that they are strong-willed dogs, and that positive socialization from puppyhood, firm guidance with lots of reward and no physical punishment will help a `pit’ be the very best it can be. Pinky was one of this humane society’s APBT’s that was lucky enough to find a wonderful home.

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