Welcome to my dog house!
I’m Tashi, an eight
year old Shih Tzu. I am tan. I weigh 14 pounds and I am very perky! I am a boy but I don't date! I go to Agility
class every week at Oriole Dog Training Club.
At first I got so excited seeing the other dogs running around and I tried to chase them. Mom kept pointing out that this wasn't the purpose of the class and that I was supposed to go where she directed me. Once I realized we were a "team" I did a lot better. It even seemed to help me in Obedience so Mom got brave and entered me in a trial and I qualified. So then, of course, she wanted me to get my CD. June 12, 1999 was our lucky day because we got our third "leg". The down stay was very hard for me because there were big dogs on both sides of me and they both got up and walked around. I got very nervous but I didn't get up. Mom was real proud of me. She says competition takes a lot out of her so she is glad we can relax for awhile. I already know most of what I need to do in "Open" and "Utility"but I don't know if I will ever be able to let her out of my sight for stays. Mom has made me some agility equipment so I can practice at home. I can't go to an outdoor class when it is hot because I hate the heat!
I get up at 6 o’clock every morning and take mom for
a 3 mile walk around the neighborhood so I can check fire hydrants and telephone poles
for p-mail. Mom says these walks should tire me
out but she is the one who ends up pooped. We are within walking distance of two lakes and a golf course. I love when we walk to the lakes because I get to scare the ducks and when we walk to the golf course I chase the bunnies. They sure run fast!
Two summers ago I went on my first camping trip. I was so tired at night! At home I take lots of naps during the day but I couldn't do that on vacation because I might miss something. My favorite place was the beach. I chased the gulls, barked at the waves, tried to eat sea weed and got covered with salt and sand. It was wonderful!
Last summer we went to Camp Gone to the Dogs in Vermont. This was our fifth time there and I love it more each time I go! There are so many activities, such as obedience and agility classes, swimming, fly ball, herding, freestyle, lure
coursing and lots more. The best part was that I had Mom’s undivided attention for a
whole week. It really is the place to “live the dream”!
In October, 1999 Mom entered me in my first AKC Agility Trial. I got a perfect score in JWW both days. Mom was so proud of me! On April 15,2000 we qualified in both JWW and standard Agility at the Oriole Dog Training Club trial. Mom has been giddy-showing my ribbons to anyone who will look. It is a little embarressing but she has worked hard with me. So far I have earned my Novice Agility Jumpers title and in June this year I got my Novice Agility Title. I used to be very slow on the course but in Agility class last year we worked a lot on speed and I am have gotten so much faster my Mom last entered me in Open this fall and I qualified on my first try!
Tashi with qualifying obedience ribbons |
Tashi at Cape Neddick lighthouse |
Tashi in his tent |
Tashi practicing jumps |
Practicing weave poles |