Our branch of the Berwick family can be traced back to the village of
Holcot, a few miles from Northampton, England. The original
form of the family name was Barwick (pronounced "Barrick"), the change in name
occurring over a period from the late 1700s to the mid 1800s.
Barwicks are first found in the Holcot parish records in the very early 1700s, as well as in other villages in the area (especially in nearby Moulton). It is probable that, in these early years, all the Holcot Barwicks were closely related and it is relatively easy to trace the growth of the family from the baptism records of the parish church. Initially most of the family appeared to have been farm workers and, judging by the entries in the marriage register (usually in the form "X - the mark of . . . ." ), were for the most part unable to read or write. In those times large families, with a relatively high level of infant and child mortality, seemed to be the order of the day in Holcot. Smallpox in particular exacted a regular and heavy toll on the villagers during the 1700s.
Other family members by marriage (Richardsons and Smiths) came from neighbouring villages, such as Walgrave and Scaldwell, all within a few miles of Holcot.
The growth of the footwear industry in and around Northampton during the second half of the 1800s was reflected in the occupations of members of our family. By the time of the 1881 census, fully two-thirds of the adult male Berwicks / Barwicks of Holcot are shown as being employed in one way or another in the shoe-making industry. The latter part of the 19th century also saw a general move by individual members of the family from Holcot to Northampton - at the time of the '81 census a fair proportion of the Berwicks born in Holcot were still living there, while by 1891 virtually all those involved in the footware industry had moved to Northamption.
Our immediate family came to South Africa in about 1920 when Ernest Frederick Berwick, his wife Lilian (nιe Woodford) and their three children moved from Northampton to Port Elizabeth (in the Eastern Cape) - to work in the footware industry. The family moved to Cape Town around 1930.
Barwick & Berwick Family
Key: b = born/baptised;
= died;
x = married;
all events at Holcot unless stated otherwise.
Joseph Barwick b ?, ?: x 1796 Elizabeth Manton b 1773, 1851
Possibly same Joseph as shown below, but with second wife)
b1 William Barwick b 1798,
1843 x Mary
b2 Ann Barwick b 1799 x
1822 Joseph Pinney
b3 Elizabeth Barwick b 1799
b4 Richard Barwick b 1800, 1877
x Martha 1876
b5 Esther Barwick b 1804
b6 Samuel Barwick b 1808, 1863:
x Charlotte b ±1809, 1876
c1 Samuel Berwick b 1836, 1909: x Mary Ann (Marian) Hilson b 1843, 1902
d1 Frederick Berwick bNhn 1863, Nhn 1900: x Walgrave 1882
Sarah Ann Richardson bWalgrave abt 1864
e1 Ernest Frederick Berwick b Nhn 1882, Cape Town 1944: x Nhn
1902 Lilian Woodford b Nhn 1880 C.T. 1949
f1 Frederick Woodford Berwick b Nhn 1903, Nhn 1903
f2 Margaret Helen Berwick b Nhn 1907, C.T. 1985: x
C.T. 1936 Harold Oscar McQueen b C.T. 1911, C.T. 1966
f3 Beatrice Berwick b Nhn 1912, Bulawayo 1998: x C.T.
abt 1944 Maurice Davies b 1900, Bulawayo abt 1990
f4 Francis (Frank) Noel Berwick b Nhn 1914, Bulawayo abt 1980:
x abt 1940 Joan Morby b C.T., C.T. 1999
g1 Peter Berwick b C.T. abt 1941
e2 Lewis (Louis) Philip Berwick b Holcot 1884
e3 Oliver George Berwick b Nhn 1886, Nhn 1900
e4 Margaret Berwick b Nhn 1889, Nhn 1894
e5 Florence Mary Berwick b Nhn 1891, Nhn 1892
d2 Francis Samuel Berwick ±1865
d3 Edwin Ernest Berwick b 1866, 1867
d4 Clara Berwick b 1868, 1870
d5 Oliver Berwick b 1869
d6 Leonard Berwick b 1871
d7 Vivian Berwick b 1873
d8 Oswald Percy Berwick b 1875, before 1881
d9 Clarissa Berwick b ±1877, 1878
d10 Cyril Berwick b 1877
d11 Ethel Blanche Berwick b 1880
d12 Cicely May Berwick b 1883
c2 Sarah Berwick b 1841
b7 Peter Barwick b 1812,
1888 x 1832 Hannah Turlland; 1833
xx 1834 (Walgrave) Ann Worth b ±1813, 1871
Note: Although the parish baptism and burial records are complete for the relevant periods, no trace has been found of the birth or death of Joseph Barwick above. It is possible that he is the same Joseph as shown below, who remarried a much younger second wife (also named Elizabeth) after the death of his first wife. This however would assume that he continued to father children into his early seventies! Unfortunately marriage records for the period are sparse.
Samuel Barwick 1747: x Alice 1752.
  Samuel Barwick b 1728,
1784: x Holcot 1746 Mary Cole
Ann Barwick b 1732
  Mary Barwick b 1737: x James Camps 1769
  Joseph Barwick b 1739, 1814: x Elizabeth 1788;   (and then remarried another, younger wife? See above)
Thomas Barwick b 1783
John Barwick b 1741:
x 1766 Ann Wilkins 1805
John Hilson b ±1812, Brixworth 1897: x 1836 Mary Faulkner b ±1817, 1891.
Thomas Hilson b 1840
William Hilson b 1841
Mary Ann Hilson b ±1844, Northampton 1918: x Samuel Berwick
Eliza Hilson b ±1848
Emma Hilson b ±1850
Daniel Hilson b ±1858
Joseph Hilson b ±1860
John Hilson b 1861
William Manton b ±1685, before 1742 x Sarah 1742
b1 Mary Manton b 1709
b2 Richard Manton b 1710 1760 x Elizabeth
c1 William Manton b 1732, 1734
c2 Sarah Manton b 1735, 1735
c3 Ann Manton b 1736 x 1774 John Hifford
c4 Robert Manton b 1740, 1740
c5 Goodman Manton b 1740, 1740
c6 Elizabeth Manton b 1742, 1742
c7 Richard Manton b 1743, 1743
c8 Elizabeth Manton b 1746, 1747
c9 Richard Manton b 1746, 1746
c10 Hannah Manton b 1747 x 1772 William Branson
c11 William Manton b 1750, 1818 x 1769 (Walgrave) Sarah Hopkins 1800
d1 John Manton b 1770
d2 Elizabeth Manton b 1773, 1851 x 1796 Joseph Barwick
e1 Sarah Manton b 1795 "Base born"
d3 Richard Manton b 1774 (only bapt 1795, age 21)
c12 Elizabeth Manton b 1752, 1752
b3 William Manton b 1713, 1713
b4 Judith Manton b 1715, 1715
b5 Rose Manton b 1716, 1716
Richard Richardson b ±1754, 1838 x 1775 Ann Corby, bef 1784
x 1784 (Turvey, Beds) Hannah Coleman
b1 Thomas Richardson b 1775
b3 Hannah Richardson b 1779
b3 Edward Richardson b ±1781 (bapt 1783), 1849, x Ann b ±1782, 1861.
c1 Alice Richardson * b 1806, 1807
c2 Catherine Richardson * b 1806 * Twins
c3 Alice Richardson b 1809, 1810
c4 Mary Richardson b 1812, 1814
c5 Alice Richardson b 1814
d1 Sarah Richardson b 1838 (illegit)
d2 Hephzebah Maria Richardson b ±1848 (illegit)
c6 William Richardson b 1816, 1897: x Hannah b ±1819, 1885.
d1 George Richardson b 1839, 1885: x Catherine Smith b 1841
e1 Elizabeth Richardson b ±1860
e2 Sarah Ann Richardson b ±1864 x Frederick Berwick
e3 Arthur G Richardson b ±1876
d2 John Richardson b 1842
d3 Thomas Richardson b 1844, 1844
d4 Charles Richardson b 1845, 1845
d5 John Richardson b 1845, after 1881 x Mary Ann York b ±1842, 1894 (Northampton)
d6 Betsey Richardson b 1846
d7 Charles Richardson b ±1849
d8 Reuben Richardson b 1851, 1854
d9 Mary Ann Richardson b 1853, 1854
d10 Mary Ann Richardson b 1855
d11 Hilda Richardson b 1856
d12 Levi Richardson b 1859
d13 William Richardson b 1862
c7 Mary Richardson b 1819
c8 Mary Ann Richardson b 1820
c9 Charlotte Richardson b 1823
c10 Elizabeth Richardson b 1826
b4 Sarah Richardson b 1784
b5 John Richardson b 1786
James Smith x Martha ?
Frances (Fanny) Smith b 1804
James Smith b ±1806: x Mary ? b ±1810.
Eliza Smith b ±1832
Thomas Smith b ±1833
Francis Smith b 1834
John James Smith b 1836, x Susan Blundell b ±1837
Samuel Smith b 1839
Catherine Smith b 1841: x George Richardson b 1839, 1885
Mary Ann Smith b 1844