Welcome to The Madison Church of Christ homepage

At the corner of 140th Street and 350th Avenue

7 miles northwest of Brooklyn, Iowa

Here is a picture of the church congregation on our
Dress Old-Fashioned Day

This picture courtesy of Cory Hall Photography, Grinnell, Iowa

Facts About Madison Church of Christ

Madison church of Christ was first established in 1880.  Our present building was dedicated 
in 1949.  Our attendance is about 100 per week.  Dennis W. Smith has been our preaching 
minister since June of 1979.  We presently have five elders, thirteen deacons, and three 
trustees who look after the business of the church.  All of us are "ministers" in some way.
   The congregation has no elaborate ecclesiastical organization  but is self-governing, 
subjected only to Christ and the Bible as God's Word.  We believe you will find a warm welcome 
here.  We strive to offer an active, up-to-date program, along with the friendly atmosphere of 
an old-fashioned country church.

   Madison church of Christ is part of a world-wide fellowship of people whose intention is to 
be just Christians - nothing more and nothing less.  We acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and 
Savior and recognize Him as the Head of the church.

   Our position is quite simple.  We accept the Bible as the inspired record of God's 
revelation to man. We believe that the Word of God is the only divine rule of faith and 
practice given to the followers of Christ, and that it contains the pattern for both the 
church and the individual to follow.

   Therefore, we insist only on those matters which the Bible sets forth as requirements for 
membership in Christ's church. These are:  faith in Christ as the Son of God and Savior, 
repentance from sin, baptism in the name of Christ for the remission of sin and into the 
Lordship of Christ.  The Bible is our creed; we hesitate to require more or less than it 

   We practice the form of baptism universally agreed upon, the form that conforms to the New 
Testament pattern - immersion.  In this act of faith is pictured the death, burial, and 
resurrection of Christ. (Romans 6:3,4)

   Our worship, like that of the original church, centers in preaching and in the Lord's Supper.
In the communion service, we remember the death of Christ for all mankind, we examine our 
relationship to Christ,  and we proclaim our faith in His ultimate return in glory.

   Our objective is to restore Biblical Christianity in all its fullness - in faith, in love, 
in service, in spirit.  We are willing to join with all who also desire to reach these great 
  Will you meet us on these grounds?

We offer:

Meeting together to encourage one another to love and good deeds.

Hebrews 10:25   

Madison Church of Christ

3501 140th Street
Brooklyn, Iowa 52211-8610

The Congregation Meets

    9:30 AM  Bible School
   10:30 AM  Worship Service
    7:00 PM  Evening Service (As Announced - No Evening Services during the summer)

   If you live in Brooklyn, Victor, Malcom or Ladora Iowa, you can watch the previous Sunday's
service on the Inter-County Cable Company's public access channel at 1:00 PM
(usually on Wednesday).  Our THANKS to Inter-County Cable and Tim Siemens for this service.

updated as of 01/10/2004

Email Dennis Smith
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