well? my basic weight loss theory? (no, i didn't think this up myself!) you have to burn more calories each day than you consume. sounds too simple. but....there are no 'magic' foods that eat away at fat, no miracle weight loss products....you have to work to get results.
one of THE most important things i can think of, is water. water is your friend. for some reason...if i stick to drinking tons of water, i lose more weight. i usually keep a one litre bottle with me at all times. it'll keep you feeling full, helps rid your body of impurities, keeps you hydrated (note: especially important if you are bulimic, like me). lately, i find myself grabbing the water bottle, instead of reaching for a snack. it DOES help to curb your appetite. if you're really not into drinking plain ol' water, try adding some lemon or lime juice. or, drink sparkling water, club soda, or flavoured seltzer. just drink. lots.
try to eat a wide
variety of foods. whatever you do, don't try to stick to lettuce
and melba toast. you'll only start craving foods (and go overboard)
if you deprive yourself. if you have a craving for a particular food
item, go for it. satisfy the craving. just have a small
piece of chocolate, or a handful of potato chips. what happens if
you forbid yourself to indulge in the foods that you really enjoy?
you're going to give in at some point, and binge. so, be good to
yourself. just use moderation.
what i do if i indulge in something high
fat/high calorie: add an extra 10 or 15 minutes exercise to the day.
keep in mind that you need to burn more calories than you consume, if you
want to lose weight.
the wider variety of foods you eat, the less you'll feel like you are 'dieting' (which you are not, right?) look for and try new low fat recipes . this can actually be a lot of fun, and you'll be amazed by how great some of it can taste! look in the produce section for fruits and veggies you have never tried before (i recently discovered lychee fruit!)
watch the amount of food you are eating. pay attention to the serving size. you might even want to consider weighing your food or something, until you get a good idea of what is a proper serving size.
and now, exercise. aim for at least 20 minutes a day....doing something that increases your heart rate. a good thing to start with (and continue with!) is walking. walk at a rapid pace. the most important thing is to find something you like, something that you will stick to. i am the sort of person who has to be doing more than one thing at a time, so i'll often get on the exercise bike, with the music on, and read a good book.
keep coming back, this page will be updated frequently!