stan's journal
Nov 25/97
I feel so incredibly sick.  I ate lunch today at school.  Well,  not AT
school,  a friend and i went shopping during our spare that went into the
lunch hour.  We stopped at Pizza Delight and i ate lunch.  Bad idea.  I
felt so increadibly sick.  I just hate having food in my stomach.  I was
freaking out during my class after lunch,  so i went to the washroom and
threw up.  This was one of the only times I've thrown up at school.  Ugh,
i feel like such trash.
What bothers me the most about today,  is that i was feeling pretty good
about myself.  I wore a shirt that people always compliment,  I had some
makeup on (!!!) ,  a silver arm band,  i felt ok about myself.  I even had
short sleeves on,  something i rarey do as I have a lot of scars on my
arms.  I just cant eat. I feel so bad.
Nov 28/97
arg!  I am having such an arguement with myself.  One part of my brain is
saying 'hungry!  Stan is hungry!  Feed Stan!'  and then another part of my
brain says  ' Hell no!  Food is bad!  you will get fatter.  Stan hates
food.  Food makes Stan barf'   I just wanna smack both parts of my brain
and the go and listen to the rational part that says   ' Stan,  you really
need to eat,  just a little bit at a time, your body will be so happy to
get actual iron and protien . pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese stan,  people who dont
eat will die '
I wish the rational part of my brain were just a wee bit bigger and more
influential on my stupider brain parts.
 December 5 1997
My dad is doing some sort of family togethernes campaign with in my home.
It sucks.  We are NOT a 'togetherness'  family.  I came home from school
today and he had made me this kraft dinner crap,  and was like  "here!"
*big grin*  Now,  I hate it when they cook for me,  especially when no one
asked me first,  hate it.  So was there being all pround of himself,  and i
said,  uhh,  thanks,  feeling sick at the mere idea of eating.  At this
point he got MAD AT ME!  Blah blah blah,  i slave over the stove type
thing,  and i said,  Look,  I didnt WANT anything ok?  dont yell at me
because YOU are upset.  growl.  So frustrating.
But i ended up eating,  and when i went to the bathroom to throw up....i
found that i coulnt.  I am feeling really sick today,  that might be why.
But it was like I just didnt have the energy to do it.  So I'm feeling
increadibly fat as of now.  And i probably wont eat tomorrow.