the diet thing...and more....

well, i'll start.  i am SO SICK of 'them' telling us how we should look.
i am sick of hearing people i know say 'my life would be perfect, if only i looked like kate moss.'  yeah, whatever....
i don't even know how to respond to comments like that.
it really pisses me off.
when was the last time you picked up a 'women's/teen girl's magazine' without being told to lose weight?  the headlines just scream at you, don't they?  and every damn month, they have a different diet/exercise plan guaranteed to help you 'shed those unwanted lbs'....'lose that fat ass'....whatever.
here are some examples:

Flatten Your Tummy!
Fat or Fiction?  Test Your Diet Smarts
Escape From Bathing Suit Hell
Ultimate Butt Workout
37 SUPER EASY ways to slim down for summer
Butt Seriously...Hard, Firm Uplifting Tricks for a Tighter Derriere

makes me want to puke.
you realize what they're doing, don't you?  they're playing on our insecurities...
offering SUPER EASY ways to get the body we want....the body they tell us we should have...
and you're going to grab it, because you want a SUPER EASY way to get that body.
well, there ARE NO SHORTCUTS.
like i've said before...burn more calories than you consume.
simple formula.
not so simple to follow through with.
i am struggling right now.

that's why i prefer to read 'other' magazines or zines.
try  Ben Is Dead  or  Bust.  trust'll get a lot more out of stuff like this, than Mademoiselle, or Glamour.
actually, a new magazine, Jane, is quite good....for a mainstream magazine...
and Mode....a fashion magazine for larger sized women.
any other favourites?  let me know...

the worst is all those 'diet programs'....telling us how EASY it is to lose weight....if only you eat our food...take our us $20 a week....we'll show you the SUPER EASY way to lose weight!
there IS no easy way.
and i can look whatever way i want, and still have a decent life!  imagine that!

i want to hear if there are any 'weight loss programs' that HAVE worked for you...
i went to weight watchers last year....managed to lose 40 lbs...and gained it all back, plus more.  but...i'm trying again.  they have a new, very simple program.
i keep telling myself it's a 'new way of life'...not a diet.
i'll keep you posted....


if you have any comments too, email me.

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