crissy's journal

breakast: none
lunch: a pepperoni pizza and salad; thrown up
dinner: cream of veggie and rice soup soem cheese and crackers

i couldn't throw up dinner cause robyn came down to the bathroom with
me..she has been laying such a guilt trip on me about my leaving.. not
my fault.. i must have cried 25 times today...i have a sore throat...i
got wonderful happie emails from my love.. and right now he is the
only reason i have to breathe... i am dredfull afraid that once he
sees me.. that he wont want me..because  am not very pretty.. and i am
fat.. not plump or over weight.. but one has ever loved me
before.. and now the one who has never seen me wants me in his life..i
think the sight of me will break the spell.. no one could fanatsize
about someone who look like this...he worrys about age.. i know that
the age won't matter.. this attraction of his will die i know it.. and
then what will i have..i know being thin won't make me happy.. i will
still be as fucked up..but i'll have one less thing to worry about.. i
will have a solid base to begin from.. because i can't walk the high
wore of life when i don't thing my saftey net is attached very
strongly.. sure its strong and woven well.. but if it comes untied
what use will it do?

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