Al's Fun Stuff!

Updated on 6/10/99.
I hope you enjoy the music I have added.
Come back as I add all of my favorite things, which I hope are some of your favs too!
Email me if you see something you like, or would like to see added.

The A B C's of stuff i like!
(the sites with b'fly leave my page -- the others are at my site)
A = Abby & airplanes I = ice cream Q = quilts (homemade!)
B = Big Al & baseball J = Jenna & jumping R = Roller Racer! & running
C = cats, Christmas,
comics & cooking
K = Knock-knock jokes S = soccer & swimming
D = dogs & drums L = *laughing* T = turtles
E = Emily & elephants M = Mark Lowryb'fly & movies U = Umbros
F = Frisbee & friends! N = night sky V = VaCaTiOn!
G = Girls in Action
& Garfield
O = Odysseyb'fly W = water
H = horses, hamburgers P = pizza & poetry Y = yoyos


Make A Child Smile!  GREAT SITE!
Take a minute and a little change to Make A Child Smile!

IN THE LIGHT - Dad's page about stuff in our area, especially local contemporary Christian music.
THE BODY - My mom's page. Things to encourage Christians
- My sister's page. All about true love!
EMILY'S PAGE - My friend, Emily's page

Join the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) Club

I love the Lord!
send me some mail!
EmAiL mE!

in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

sign my guestbook view my guestbook

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(Al is not in charge of the stuff that comes up below)