OKAY, GUYS! WE ARE GOING TO TRY IT AGAIN --- TEXAS RANGERS - THE FIRST AND BEST IN TEXAS (I'm only there for the team, not the stats!!)
"We support the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children"
Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Do you have Meniere's Disease? Here is a link that will be very beneficial in your search for help. We also have information on PCOS and Fibromalgia, neither of which are any fun to have.
This is my ever-changing coffee table top. It doesn't collect
dust because I am forever moving it around the house. I will always
leave a trail of breadcrumbs for you to follow, though. If you find any links that refuse to work, let me know. Nothing is more frustrating than thinking you have found a path and it is all weeds!
Since you have found me, drag up a
and a cuppa. We have birds, a cat, family history, and junk. Browse around and if you have any questions, e-mail me.
Maybe you're looking for some lost kinfolk. We may have found them. If they are Donohoes, Risingers, Mitchells, Clarks, Potts, or Carters, check out my web sites on my family page.
Let me know if any of the links on my pages don't work. Nothing is more irritating that one that goes nowhere!
You should be ready for a refill, so grab another
and join me on page 2 where you can stop and smell the flowers and listen to our birds sing.
Tell me something....I'm nosey!
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