Welcome to Lucy and Effy's World Domination Guestbook!![]() |
Mrraow13 - 11/19/00 19:35:45 My URL:http://www.i-love-cats.com/meow/mrraow13/ My Email:mrraow13@i-love-cats.com | Comments: I am sure my cats will be over soon to join your club because they know that cats rule. A note to that, dogs drool..especially if you have to share a waterbowl with them, as BeBeastkitty would say. I enjoyed your site and will be back to visit soon. Stop by if you get a chance.
Bob & Kathy - 01/13/00 16:12:10 My Email:boblapenna@earthlink.net | Comments: Hi Lori, Nice website. But you know all we have now is a Shih Tzu, and no cats. Also a parrot. |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook
Maggie, Tiger, and Diamond - 08/01/99 22:56:10 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/maggiespage/ My Email:catchow1@hotmail.com | Comments: Your site is the best!!!!! >^..^< |
Pouncer - 06/17/99 17:12:06 My Email:ktjeanne@hotmail.com | Comments: Alas, problems in timing (and email) say I can't be your regular book reviewer, but I can suggest a few: Calling on dragons, by Patricia C. Wrede Not all about cats, but then, not all about humans, either... The Secret Life of Cats Globe Publishing Interesting facts about us. I would also like to suggest a few members- my friends and family. Socks a.k.a. "Mom" Colonel Kitty a.k.a. "weird brother" Rags and a few others I never remember. I offer you my utmost greiving on the loss of the great Lucy. My father Bobbers died of liver problems, and my dear twin brother and timid sister died so young of Feline Lukiemia. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Basil The Cat - 07/27/98 16:38:53 My URL:http://www.citycat.ru/cats/stories My Email:stories@citycat.ru | Comments: Very butifull and exciting! |
PJQ - 07/18/98 18:48:25 | Comments: I'd like to suggest the book THE SECRET LIFE OF CATS to anyone who appriciates this site. |
Chris Graham - 07/14/98 23:10:50 My Email:cbgraham@hotmail.com | Comments: cool page!! |
Grinch and Rebel - 04/05/98 23:44:29 My Email:phplummer@infoave.net | Comments: Hi!! Our Mom, Pat, lets us have our time on the net, too. I am Grinch, an 18 year old Blue point Siamese. My partner in "crime" is Rebel, a youngster--a 6 year old tuxedo shorthair. We have our own pets on the screen with Catz II. I have a Siamese frie t, Napoleon, and Rebel has a gray Persian, Grendel. Thanks for giving us a place to meet. We most certainly agree with the aims of the society! |
Canyon & Cimmaron - 04/05/98 21:28:58 My Email:rbnagle@our-town.com | Comments: Looks like we could have fun with this page! We have fun playing on the computer while our "Mom" is trying to get her work done! |
Mari Etta Head - 03/13/98 19:31:15 | Comments: I love it! Look for Phoebe to join soon, and a memorium for a dearly loved and much missed Puddy. |
Pouncequick - 02/21/98 01:10:28 My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/8219/ My Email:kawcrow@juno.com | Comments: Viva gatos! Viva world domination! :-) --P.Q. |
Joe Chafin - 02/09/98 21:47:14 My URL:http://www.newwave.net/~joe My Email:joe@newwave.net | Comments: Great site. If you are at all concerned about feline abuse, I suggest you visit my page. It has some important information you should know. |
Jamie - 01/06/98 02:03:16 | Comments: Great Pics! Gotta Luv the Cats! |
Pam - 12/29/97 00:49:52 My URL:http://www.snap.net My Email:PPysher@jps.net | Comments: This is a lovely site. I'll come back again and recommend it to my friends. Thanks for the opportunity to visit. |
JoAnne - 12/27/97 05:28:23 My URL:/Heartland/Hills/7472 My Email:jseamans@prodigy.net | Comments: I love your page! |
- 11/18/97 07:07:30 My URL:http://www.rizzuti.com My Email:jrizzuti@aol.com | Comments: bite me! |
peter - 09/25/97 17:40:21 | Comments: |
Gennie De' Leon - 09/23/97 19:51:02 My URL:http://a-gennde@microsoft.com My Email:a-gennde | Comments: |
Jo Berry - 08/20/97 19:56:01 GMT My Email:job@microsoft.com |
Comments: Loreen, You have way too much time on your hands! :-) Jo |
Allan Salkin - 08/16/97 08:49:45 GMT My Email:asalkin@adnc.com |
Comments: Thanks to my friend Anne Groom for referring me to this site. Now can anyone tell me whether there are any nonallergenic cat breeds with whom my wife might be able to survive. (At least one allergist we know says that "nonallergenic cat breed" is an oxym ron. |
Milena - 08/04/97 00:09:21 GMT My URL:http://oglobo.on.br My Email:http://www.oglobo.on.br |
Comments: Hi Lucy! I'm a journalist from Brazil and i have three cats: Eek, Yanka and Julie. I'd like to have some more informations about siameses. |
Milena - 08/04/97 00:05:52 GMT My URL:http://oglobo.on.br My Email:http://www.oglobo.on.br |
Comments: Hi Lucy! I'm from Brazil... Meow!!! |
John Redman - 08/03/97 22:28:09 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5437/ My Email:john.redman@st.com |
Comments: I don't like cats, but I suppose virtual ones are okay! :) |
KiKi - 08/01/97 01:19:21 GMT My URL:http://www.cyberramp.net/~ptlh2 My Email:ptlh2@cyberramp.net |
Comments: I wish to inquire on your tips for human training. My human slaves (newlyweds, for cat's sake!) have not been behaving properly. I try to express myself freely on thier carpet and sometimes their furniture, since they are so free to express themselves a ywhere they wish, but they try to keep me from doing this. I humor them occasionally by being the "good Master", but frankly - I resent their disobedient attitude. Any solutions you may have are appreciated!! MOW WOW for now. |
Elvis (still the King!) - 07/30/97 22:36:23 GMT My Email:rebeccab@microsoft.com |
Comments: Greetings Lucy and Effy, I am Elvis, Second Ruler of the House Of Bailey/Boschee and Master of my Kingdom. My predecessor, Mister, could not escape the dreaded automobile during his early morning hunt. After many tears, my slaves were suffering from an abundance of unfulfilled at love (worship) and last year rescued me from the tortures of the Humane Society. My human slaves recently took mercy on two abandoned brothers who I have named Felix and Oscar. Though they are pesky and young, I am teaching them to hunt shrews, voles and other vile rodents. If only they would leave my tail alone! My gratitude for founding the World Domination Society, you will be glad to know I am doing my part and will teach my protege's to do the same. (Photos to follow as all three of us are hand ome devils!) Regards, Elvis |
mesha - 07/28/97 17:56:47 GMT My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/trh/mesha.htm My Email:trh@sprynet.com |
Comments: Dear Lucy and Effy, I'd like to join your secret society, but my human mom won't let me outside at night when you meet. Maybe you could come over and have some Friskies flaked with me sometime, and we can conspire to overthrow these freaky humans. meow me w meow meow hiss, Mesha |
beadchaser - 07/26/97 05:49:24 GMT My Email:beadchaser@hotmail.com |
Comments: Hello Lucy and Effy. I am pleased to meet you. Hope you get along with my boys... They play kind of rough sometimes... Come visit me, I'm only a few doors down at 5419 Stormy gets his egg about 6:30 in the morning, so if you stop by then, you'll get one too! |
Johanna Trobough - 07/22/97 22:58:13 GMT My Email:a-johant@microsoft.com |
Comments: |
Diane Rockwell - 07/22/97 21:27:27 GMT My Email:a-drock@microsoft.com |
Comments: LOVE IT! |
Winston and Ambrose - 07/22/97 11:35:00 GMT My URL:http://www.senet.com.au/~tmunn/tm3.htm My Email:tmunn@senet.com.au |
Comments: We will take up the cause in the southern hemisphere. With Ambrose's brawn and Winston's brains, we are sure to succeed! |
Maxwell & Madison - 07/22/97 01:42:57 GMT My Email:musiclvrs@msn.com |
Comments: Well, our supreme order has been discovered at last! Now, all humans must realize that if they do not cooperate with us, their time on our planet will be very very short! (Our master's watch WAY too many sci-fi flicks!) Anyway, we love all of our feline friends, and appreciate the hard work that our humans do to buy us more treats!!!! |
Winona Maud - 07/20/97 18:35:06 GMT My URL:http://www.visinet.ca/~megs/Genny%26Winnona.html My Email:megs@visinet.ca |
Comments: I agree it's time for world domination, and I am doing my part.I have Mommy and Sara right where I want them. Could I have the cat on the book GIF for my page?? Thanks Nonni |
Bartholomew & Cleocatra - 07/16/97 19:03:48 GMT My Email:jennig@microsoft.com | Comments: We are the brave knights of the household Gailey, fighting the cuteness mon ter at every turn. They are brutal battles and we often are swiped silly by the sly and persistent cuteness monster. In the end, we have successfully saved our humans from cuteness, proving us wise and caring rulers. |
Radar and Tailkitty Oakley - 07/16/97 18:56:59 GMT My Email:pcranitao@aol.com | Comments: So- you hadda tell the world what we are doing, huh? Since the cat's out of th bag, so to speak, we might as well join up. Expect our application soon. |
Garfield - 07/15/97 02:05:36 GMT My Email:mmcool@rocketmail.com | Comments: HI I AM GARFIELD AND MY CAT SPOTTY IS INTERESTED IN JOINING THE MOW-WOW SOCIETY E-MAIL H R BACK AT mmcool@rocketmail.com |
Tammy - 07/13/97 17:47:27 GMT | Comments: Effy the rail climbing cat.. Lucy the " I want to teach everyone." |
Lorraine - 07/11/97 23:49:02 GMT | Comments: Loreen, Great page!..the kitties are very cute..Just to let ya know, Lebanese is Mike's kitty who resides at the human slave, the "mother-in law". She's 15 yrs old, in kitt life,so in this organization, does that make her a wise old kitty? |
human slave sue - 07/11/97 01:31:43 GMT | Comments: I submit. |
Irma - 07/10/97 17:50:32 GMT My Email:donihoo3@aol.com | Comments: Loreen, you nut, this is really a cool thing, a human slave huh? By the way, looked up the drag queen thing, didn't you once tell me that you had done some graphics or fonts or something for the web page? Well, where would I find it??? pretty neat, give some katnip to Lucy & Effy for me ciao, or meow Irma |
Sara - 07/10/97 05:18:36 GMT My Email:storeywhite@msn.com | Comments: Thanks to my sister (adopted. Her not me!) and her big, tri-colored mouth I don't get to show my sleek, gray, Siamese beauty. So what if I'm 13yrs old (that is in human time.) I am pure and always in control... like a fine wine...... |
Grace - 07/10/97 05:04:43 GMT My Email:storeywhite@msn.com | Comments: I am the Queen of all Calico's. There is no other. Worship me, like you know you want to. |
John - 07/09/97 21:39:30 GMT My Email:jhaakon@msn.com | Comments: Great Page, can I add my cat? He'll need a big space,cuz he's a big kitty! |
Lebanese - 07/09/97 20:08:23 GMT My Email:Meubank@swbel.net | Comments: Cats rule and dogs Droole!!! |
Judy Cobb - 07/09/97 15:57:01 GMT My Email:jcobb@temmc.com | Comments: Great Site! You have our full support (Winx and I) He is busy proudly upholding his mission against the evil, household canine counterpart, Stephanie. I will remind him to continue his "posturing" for further World Domination. We have just begun!! |
Kirby - 07/09/97 12:28:43 GMT My Email:lsailsbury@spelink.spe.org | Comments: Lucy and Effy, I am so proud of you for declaring your hidden agenda. My human sl ve, Laurie, has been rather well trained. She gives me behind-the-ears and back scratches on demand. I sleep where I want, when I want, and the food bowl always remains full. I've even got her to fill my waterbowl from the filtered refrigerator water disp nser. The two mangy curs that live at my address are relegated to the back yard and never step foot in my domain. I've got a good grip on my little world...now on to the big picture. Count me in! |
Chris Rentzel - 07/09/97 04:47:25 GMT My URL:http://www.chrysalis.org/hopeful My Email:hopeful@chrysalis.org | Com
ents: Hey Loreen!!!! |
Michael - 07/09/97 02:59:07 GMT My Email:mykeyg@mindspring.com | Comments: I am the human of two wonderful cats. Perhaps they will come visit the World Domination s te themselves... after they play with their own feather. |
- 07/09/97 02:34:40 GMT | Comments: Lucy and Effy are soooooo cute! |