Our Mission Statement: To Put a Cat on Every Desktop and in Every Drawer

Welcome to the Feline World Domination Society.
Our mission is to take over the world
and put a cat on every desktop,
stepping on every keyboard,
lounging on every couch,
perching on every refrigerator,
and living in luxurious splendor
with our every need supplied by human slaves.

Meet our newest member... Cosmo!

Cosmo is Buster's long-lost brother (well, not really lost, just lording it up over Moos and Sqrl in their household) who has finally deigned to join the society. Learn more about Cosmo on our members page!

Meet all of the Members of this fine organization.

See the Co-Founders favorite Links.

Read Lucy and Effy's answers to questions about cats.

Sign the Guestbook
or View the Guestbook!


Slaves, get cooking!
We have TWO NEW recipes from Jane and Rebel!

Bored? Restless?
Lucy and Effy list their favorite fascinating and fun activities for felines!

Meet the Co-Founders of this Organization:
Her Royal and Ever-Hungry Highness, Effy
Her Feather Toy is Hers and Only Hers, Lucy
Heir to the throne, Prince Buster.

Check out our
awards and memberships!

See Effy play Jungle Kitty
and... see the slave's pictures of her trip to the Olympic Peninsula... (has nothing to do with felines except that Effy is still mad that she didn't get to go...)

In Association with allwall.com
Buy cat posters at allwall.com
Profits from sales of this and other posters will benefit a cat shelter in memory of Lucy.

In Memory
We bid fond farewell to society member Sherman, who came to live with Moos, Sqrl and Cosmo over the last year. He left us January 26, 2000, and we will miss him deeply. We hope and pray that you on the bridge with Lucy, and that we get to see you again someday.
Society co-founder and beloved Little Lucy, the long-haired, skinny, gray girl, left us in November of 1998. Lucy, you will always be loved and missed by your human, your sister, and everyone who got to know you. We hope and pray that you are on that Rainbow Bridge, breathing freely and chasing feathers, and that we'll get to see you again someday.

Tribute to Lucy on In Memory of Pets website

Light a candle for Lucy, for your lost pet, or for other lost pets at The Pet Loss Grief Support Website & Candle Ceremony (Petloss.com)

Buy a CD, help a cat! When you buy a CD through this link, the commissions go to kitty charities. So if you need music, buy through this page!

Buy a Book, help a cat! The FWD Society is now associated with Amazon.Com. Commissions from books purchased through our site go to kitty charities.

"...If man could be crossed with a cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat." --Mark Twain

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This site maintained by a Human Slave. Last updated and Feline approved December 6, 2000.

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