Here is the Indian Legend for Fantasy Canyon:

The Indian legend concerning Fantasy Canyon was told to George E. Stewart by Muse Harris, known to the Indians as Chief Red Moose, and was printed in the Salt Lake Tribune on July 16, 1972. We quote the legend as follows:

"One day, the story goes, the evil creatures of the nether regions, tired of living in the dark and dank, decided to dig up to the surface and take over everything above and below the earth. They dug and the ground trembled and rumbled.

Two coyotes, curious, as all coyotes are, couldn't resist the urge to investigate. The pair discovered the plot of the creatures from down under and in a trice howled the alarm to all their fellow mortals round about.

A great council was held to decide what to do. It would take more than mortal power to stop the invasion of these supernatural beings, this they understood. Finally, they determined to send for the greatest medicine man they knew.

Two eagles flew with the summons, and on the very first day, they found the great one in his mountain fastness.

The wild horses set up a relay of the fleetest stallions on earth; they bore the mighty one with the speed of the wind over mountains, rivers, valleys and plains. And it was none to soon, for as he came up Whiteriver, the Sachem could see the red light in the sky where the underworld denizens had broken through.

First he called on the Wind of the West and a great hurricane blew, carrying dust, dirt, rocks and trees to fill in the awful hole. But all this went for naught, it fell through to be burned in fires down below.

Then the Rain God was asked for help and he sent water in clouds and torrents, but it vanished away in steam and mist, while the Devil Chief laughed loud and long and his minions screamed with glee.

The Sachem called to the God of the North, "Help us, help us," he chanted and drummed, "Oh, Great Lord of Ice and Snow."

Help came as swift as an arrow; intense, deep, bitter cold. The North God caught the denizens of the deep as they gathered to spread over the world. In the wink of an eye he turned them all to ice. The devil Chief, the Great Mother Witch, the Magician, and all the rest stand there just as they stood at the instant the cold struck long ago.

When the warmth came back, again the west wind blew and as the ice melted, the dust took its place and now the monsters stand in the pit they dug, all of them turned to stone. It is a warning to the evil ones down in hell to leave the good green earth alone."

Come in here to see some of these wonderful pictures and formations!!