Fantasy Canyon is the official designation of an area composed of unique erosional features located about 27 miles south of Vernal, in NE UT. Even though the area is somewhat small (it is not really a canyon)it contains some of the most unique geologic features in the BLM's Vernal District. The site adjoins Coyote Wash and has unofficially been called "Hades Pit" or "Devil's Rockhouse" and is a part of "The Devil's Playground" (a term coined by Earl Douglas) area which is designated on topographic maps of the area. Earl Douglas presented some of the first photographs of this area in a 1909 publication called "The Columbian Magazine".

Geology: The rocks of Fantasy Canyon were deposited during a geologic time period known as the Eocene Epoch. The age of the rocks date from about 38 to 50 million years ago. During this period in the geologic past the Uintah Basin area was occupied by a large lake, called Lake Uintah. The lake was being filled with sediments eroded from the surrounding high lands which rose about the same time the Rocky Mountains were being uplifted. Eventually more and more sediment was deposited and the once loose sands, silts and clays was forged into rocks of sandstone, sitlstone and shale. Eventually, through enormous earthen uplifts, the sedimentary rocks were elevated and the long process of erosion, which has yielded much of the spectacular scenery in the West, began. Because of different rates of weathering, the more durable sandstone rises above the more easily weathered siltstone and shale. Many years from now some of the outstanding features will give way to weathering, topple and erode into the sand the visitors at Fantasy Canyon stand on today.

Mineralization: One interesting mineral present in the area is "Gilsonite" (copyright name of the American Gilsonite Company). In Fantasy Canyon it occurs in a vertical vein which is about an inch wide. It is a black, very light weight, solid hydrocarbon. It takes on a glassy, obsidian look when it is freshly broken, but dulls when exposed to long periods of sunlight. Much wider "Gilsonite" veins are mined commercially near Bonanza and south of Ouray, Utah.

Fossils: The Uinta Formation is an important keeper of a portion of the fossil record for this area. It contains the widely scattered bones of creatures, mostly mammals, which roamed the Basin during the Eocene. The cross section of a turtle shell is visible in the area.

More information about this area can be obtained by contacting Peter Sokolosky, Ray Tate or Kim Bartel with:

Bureau of Land Management, Vernal District Office
170 South 500 East
Vernal UT 84078

Now that you have read abit about Fantasy Canyon, before seeing the pictures, you need to read the Indian Legend that there is.
It is quite the story and I think that you will like it. It will help explain some of the formations you will see.