More Family and Friends!

The photos of all our furry friends have started winging their way from overseas so here we have our latest additions...!
This is Tibby, the gorgeous ginger tom who introduced me to a lifetime of cat-loving. He had the softest, mildest temperament of any cat ever and was born with extra toes which proved how special he was. You could pick him up at any time of the night or day, in any position and he would sleep contentedly, happy to share his love with you. Food and heat were Tibby's passions and therefore a spot beneath the oven on a Sunday afternoon whilst the meat was roasting was his idea of Heaven.

Susie came to us from the local animal shelter where we had gone to choose a kitten. She had been taped up in a cardboard box and left outside a local shop - when they found her the next morning she had given birth to a litter of kittens in the box and was busy taking care of them. She was such a sweet and loving girl that she would not leave me alone and we just could not bear to leave her there! So we came home with two kitties...Susie and her little boy Binky!

Here we have our beautiful Binky and his little friend Katie. Sadly,Bee's Mum Susie could only stay with us for a year and we thought he would pine away until my brother Garry brought home a tiny stray kitten he had been feeding at work. Initially, big butch Bee was terrified of little Katie, but soon enough they became devoted friends and lived long and happy lives together. In his later years Beasly had the worst halitosis in the universe which he loved to share with all and sundry, but Katie was always an elegant little lady with a white seagull marking on her back.

Katie and Binky were always together so I don't have a good one of Big Bee on his own, but this is such a cute picture of little Katie in her basket that I just had to include it - now she has two photos!

Corky and Tigger were brothers who came to my brother Garry's family as kittens from the local animal shelter.

This is Corky, who was a little live wire, always full of energy and ready to play. He and his brother Tigger had the best home in the world and he lived every moment of his short life to the full, getting into mischief and returning the love of his humans a thousand times over.

His brother Tigger is the quiet type who likes the easy life. When things began to get a little busier in Garry's house he was tempted into the house of retired neighbours and has stayed there ever since.

They still see him sometimes which is pretty heartbreaking, but he must be happy...

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