Silver's Surf: Judaica, cats, poetry, art, and more. All by world-famous cyberartist and cyberpoet Jim Silver (
Man, I spent three days drawing this logo and you ain't even gonna look at it?!?!?!?  Well, it also works as a navbar/imagemap - Yeah, baby...I know how to code an image map by hand - so you might want to click here so you can see it.
DIRECTORY (8k).  So it looks like Windows 3.1?  Yeah?  So?  Ah been codin' html since you was only knee-high to a grasshopper, boy...

Oh, forsooth that you would clicketh here, for the spider cometh near.  He counteth all the hits to yonder page, and telleth all the web that Silver's Surf is all the rage!

Poems and essays that I've written, as well as links to various poetry and folk music sites.

a very small pussy cat gif that if you stare at long enough you will turn into a pussy cat yourself.  No, really, meow mrrpp meow it mrrrp meow really works meow meow mrrpp meow...

One can never have too many cats.

Star.gif takes 3hours to download, as it takes up a whopping 1459 bytes. (;-) So, are you gonna download it?  No, that's o.k. if you don't want to look at it.  Momma understands if you think going into your AOL chatroom is more important than looking at her website.

So what's the point of web-surfing without a little bit of Cyber-Judaica, nu?

Why are you looking here? There are no secret messages on this page.  I repeat: There are no secret messages on this page
Other Stuff

A hodge-podge of other stuff, such as an art gallery, links, contact info, and a way to upgrade your browser (if you dare, woo haa haa haa haa...)

Click here to upgrade to ILOVEYOU_VIRUS 5.0!  1000 Free hours!  Now with REAL bacon!Welcome!

Hey there -- thanks for stoppin' by! Silver's Surf first started many many moons ago as a simple e-zine on a few Fidonet message areas. It was originally a review of various places that I, Jim SILVER, had SURFED on the 'Net, hence the name, SILVER'S SURF. Upon moving Silver's Surf to the Web, I began developing original content -- I wanted the site to be more than a glorified bookmark page. I've stuck to the topics that the various Fidonet message areas covered, and retained the name Silver's Surf so as not to confuse my net-buddies. Besides, "Silver's Surf" has a nice ring to it, even if the site has nothing to do with silver, surfing, or the Silver Surfer.

My appolgies to anyone searching for the current price of silver on the Timbuktu Commodities Exchange...or like, whoa, lookin' to find a totally gnarly site to score a new boogie-board, dude...or trying to download pictures of naked super-heros. (Yes, technically, the Silver Surfer didn't have anything on other than a thin layer of silver. No I DON'T know if he ever got cold surfin' around in outer space like that).

If that's what you were looking for, again I'm sorry but you won't find it here. Perhaps you should "Enter new parameters to narrow search" (;-)

Yahoo Alta Vista Jimbo's Shoebox O' Index Cards

File Deletion in progress...please keep being distracted by staring at the pretty lights... (c) 2003 C.E./5763 S.C. by James E. Silver (

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