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Thompson Descendant List

"Families, like true friends, hold us to higher standards"

Beth Meade Conny


As with ALL material on these pages, the information found here is only to be used as a starting point. If you need documentation,I can not provide that for you. Unfortunately, much of the information I have was provided to me long before I realized how important a of documentation source was. But hopefully, you will find information here to either start your search or that compliments what you already have.

One more important message
I regret to have to place a restriction on my web pages to prohibit "copy and paste". I recently had someone do that without giving credit to me or my web pages. Word for Word. This person took credit for the material. You may print any of my web pages, but no more "copy and paste". Sorry, that individuals like this make it tough for all of us.

Descendants of Willam Thompson Sr.
of Montgomery County, Virginia

This Branch of the Thompson Family
went on to settle in frontier of Logan County by 1805 when Thomas Patton Thompson settled in Logan (and/or what is now Mingo) County area. Exactly where is unknown to me.

My own Thompson line eventually settled on or near the mountain just west of the Guyandotte across from the bottoms of what is now McConnell, West Virginia, just south of the County Seat of Logan.There is a creek branch there emptying into the Guyandotte called Thompson Branch. Good indication of this mountain being the one settled by my Thompson line. My grandfather, Dow Thompson also owned property on the McConnell bottoms as well as the family cemetery being located on one of the hill tops at McConnell.

Some dates have not been included on many of the names below due to the fact that I am not at all sure of their accuracy.
The dates I HAVE included for the most part are reasonably correct.
As I confirm dates, I will add them.

My personal notes have been placed within [ ] symbols.

Brackets {#} have been placed around the # of my direct ancestors.

This chart has been stopped with the generation born at the turn of the last century, due to privacy considerations. If you would like later names, I will be happy foreward your personal information to the persons to whom the names would pertain.


" @ "

 in front of a name means their name appears in
"Thompson Family Sketches"

{1}@ William THOMPSON Sr. Abt 1694 ....+ ?
......{2}@ William THOMPSON Jr. Abt 1720 - Abt 1796
..........{+}Mary PATTON Abt 1722 - [dau of @Col James PATTON & @ ? BURDEN - ? BURDEN is the dau of @Benjamin BURDEN
.............3 James THOMPSON 1750-
...............+Catherine SHELBY 1755-
.................4 James Patton THOMPSON Abt 1782-
....................+Margaret WORKMAN Abt 1788-
......................5 Patton James THOMPSON Abt 1809-
.........................+Catherine E.LONG 1813-
...........................6 Mary Elizabeth THOMPSON 1830-
..............................+Isaiah J. BURKE
...........................6 Ann Eliza THOMPSON 1833-
..............................+Harry Peck
...........................6 Letitia Shelby THOMPSON 1835-
..............................+Rufus GOODMAN
...........................6 Jane M. THOMPSON 1838-
..............................+John W. GILLAN
...........................6 Isaac B. THOMPSON 1841-
...........................6 Octavia THOMPSON 1843-
...........................6 James P. THOMPSON 1845-
..............................+Mary Ann DAVIS
................................7 Sarah Catherine THOMPSON 1866-
................................7 Rufus W. THOMPSON 1868-
................................7 Lora B. THOMPSON 1871-
................................7 Effa Ann THOMPSON 1876-
................................7 George W. THOMPSON 1878-
................................7 James C. THOMPSON 1880-
................................7 Florence J. THOMPSON 1885-
................................7 Lettie F. THOMPSON 1890-
................................7 Joseph THOMPSON 1892-
................................7 Ben H. THOMPSON 1894-
...........................6 Sarah Catherine THOMPSON 1846-
..............................+Addison COOK
...........................6 George William THOMPSON Sr. 1849-
..............................+Aley SIMONES
................................7 James Patton THOMPSON 1874
...................................+Fannie HARDEN
.....................................8 Jess Edward THOMPSON 1896-
.......................................+Mannie P. YOST
.........................................9 Dorothy THOMPSON
.........................................9 William THOMPSON
.........................................9 Roy THOMPSON
.........................................9 Thelma THOMPSON
.....................................8 Howard A THOMPSON 1899-
.......................................+Fannie THOMPSON
.....................................8 Mollie E. THOMPSON 1901-
.......................................+Alex MERRITT
.....................................8 Maybelle THOMPSON 1903-
.......................................+Guy MERRITT
.....................................8 Stuart THOMPSON 1904-1930
.....................................8 Charles F THOMPSON 1906-59
.......................................+Daisy E. CORDIAL
.....................................8 Susan J. THOMPSON 1908-
.....................................8 George THOMPSON ?-1987
.....................................8 Emery THOMPSON
.....................................8 James THOMPSON ?-1941/45
.....................................8 Jeanette THOMPSON 1916-
................................7 Sarah THOMPSON 1876-
................................7 George W. THOMPSON JR. 1878-
................................7 Susan A. THOMPSON 1879-
................................7 Elizabeth L. THOMPSON 1882-
................................7 Robert THOMPSON 1883-
................................7 Brown THOMPSON 1885-
................................7 Clara E. THOMPSON 1887-
...................................+C. W. THOMPSON
................................7 John H. THOMPSON 1888-
..................................+Lucy ASBERRY 1907-
................................7 Joseph E. THOMPSON 1891-
................................7 Leck Andres THOMPSON 1891-
................................7 Frank R.THOMPSON 1897-
......................5 Catherine Shelby THOMPSON 1811-
.........................+Aurther ST JOHN
.................4 Evan Shelby THOMPSON 1784-
....................+Susannah ?
.................4 Catherine THOMPSON 1786-
....................+Lewis Smith
.................4 William Preston THOMPSON 1788-1848
...................+Jane Robertson RUSSELL
.............3 Mary THOMPSON 1751-Abt1796
................+James McCARTY
.............3 Isabella THOMPSON Abt 1755-
................+William GLOVER
.............3 Sarah THOMPSON Abt 1757-
................+Patrick McMANNIS
.............3 John THOMPSON Abt 1759-
................+Rebecca FARLEY
.............3 Henry THOMPSON Abt.1760-1828
................+Elizabeth CLOYD
................4 Sally THOMPSON 1782-
...................+Edward RADFORD
................4 James P. THOMPSON 1784-
.............3 Elizabeth THOMPSON Abt 1761-
................+William FARLEY
.............3 Nancy THOMPSON Abt 1763-
................+Hensen GARDNER
............{3}@ Thomas Patton THOMPSON
.................+Juda FARLEY

***Please Note!***
I have not as yet proven that James "Jack" Thompson is in fact
the son of Thomas Patton Thompson. However from
family oral history of where our line of the Thompsons have lived
for generations and the fact that Henry Clay Ragland in is "History of Logan County" ca. 1900, places
Thomas Patton Thompson on or near this land as an original settler, ca. 1805,
I am satisfied that this is the correct connection.
I will be continuing to search for hard documentation that
connects the two as father and son.
(This message will be removed at that time)
................{4}@ James "Jack" THOMPSON  Abt.1810-
....................[+]Judith "Judy" WHITE  1817/18-
......................5 ? Miss(?Melissa)THOMPSON
......................5 June (or Jane)THOMPSON
......................5 Peter(Pete) THOMPSON
.........................+1 [m.2/25/84] Mattie/Mollie Ellis
                                   [dau of S. Ellis and S Vance]
...........................6 Florence THOMPSON Abt 1880-
..............................+Wyatt BURGESS
...........................6 Manerva THOMPSON Abt 1889-
.........................+2 [m.1890]Belle THOMPSON abt 1869-
                                 [dau of Christina Allen and ?
                                  -sister of Mary Elizabeth
                                  Allen, Pete's bro James' wife]
...........................6 John THOMPSON Abt 1892-
...........................6 Marshall THOMPSON Abt 1895-
..............................+Varna WALLEN
...........................6 Loucinda (Mary) THOMPSON Abt 1895
..............................+1-Fred WILSON
..............................+2-Chester SMITH
......................5 Poly THOMPSON
.........................+Willam WHITE
...........................6 Nancy WHITE 1821-1856
..............................+Hiram WHITE Sr.
...............................7 Hampton WHITE 1842-1856
...............................7 Hiram WHITE Jr. 1846-1856
                                    [Nancy and her two sons died
                                     within weeks of each other
                                     each dying of flux]
......................5 John E. THOMPSON Abt 1836-
                            [lived at McConnell, WV]
..........................+Penelope McNEELY Abt 1837-
...........................6 Benjamin THOMPSON Abt 1883-
...........................6 Walter THOMPSON Abt 1884-
.............................+Ada KESSLER
......................5 Nelly THOMPSON Abt 1842-
......................5 Andrew THOMPSON Abt 1844-
......................5 Greenville THOMPSON Abt 1846-
.........................+Flora WHITE
...........................6 Samme THOMPSON
...........................6 Floyd THOMPSON
...........................6 Maude(Anna)THOMPSON
.............................+1Charley GODBY
.............................+2Kelly LOVE
......................5 Henry THOMPSON Abt 1852-
.........................+Louverna WHITE Abt 1864-
...........................6 William THOMPSON Abt 1883-
.............................+Hattie COOK
...........................6 Melvin THOMPSON Abt 1885-
.............................+Hattie HINCHMAN
...........................6 Robert THOMPSON Abt 1887-
...........................6 Peachie THOMPSON Abt 1891-
.............................+2George BASIL
...........................6 Clate THOMPSON Abt 1895-
...........................6 Oza M.(Osie)THOMPSON Abt 1899-
...........................6 +Ruby McNEELY
......................{5}@ James (Jimmy) THOMPSON -1897
                               [watch for story about his death
                                 on the "Family Feudin'"]
..........................+1 ?
..........................+2Mary Elizabeth ALLEN
                               [sister of Belle Allen Thompson,
                                  Peter Thompson's wife]
............................6 William Henry THOMPSON
..............................+1LaVerna WHITE
................................7 Ora? THOMPSON
...................................+John BISHOP
................................7 Clayton THOMPSON
...................................+Alpha HUTCHINSON
................................7 Oza? THOMPSON
...................................+Ruby McNEELY
................................7 Maudie THOMPSON
                                      [choked on coffee bean and
                                     died at a few months of age]
................................7 Melium/Melvin? THOMPSON
...................................+Hattie HINCHMAN
                                      [lived at McConnell, WV]
................................7 William(Bill)THOMPSON
...................................+Hattie COOK
................................7 Robert THOMPSON
...................................+Ora STATTS
                                       [A teacher at Ripley, WV]
..............................+2Bessie THOMAS
...........................{6}@ Lorenzo Dow THOMPSON 1885-1941
...............................{+} Malinda Elizabeth MAY 1890-1979
                                 7 Eunice THOMPSON 1908-1995
....................................+Monroe LONG 1911-1960
.................................7 Mary THOMPSON 1909-abt1921
.................................7 Cletus THOMPSON 1910-1911
.................................7 Lillian (Judy) THOMPSON 1914-
....................................+Oliver Wendal (O.W.)HALL
.................................7 Lorenzo Dow THOMPSON Jr. 
....................................+Georgeana ?
.................................7 Lawrence Edwin THOMPSON 1917-
....................................+1Evelyn ?
....................................+2 ?
.................................7 Lon Cecil THOMPSON 1921-1995
....................................+Agnes McCORMACK
.................................7 Elizabeth Johanna THOMPSON
....................................+ H. Dewitt Murray 1918-1996
....................................8 Elizabeth Joanna Murray
                                        **ME!** 1944-
.................................7 James THOMPSON 1924-1934
.................................7 Geneva Phillis(Boots)THOMPSON
....................................+Frank Hartsook
............................6 Rosa Belle THOMPSON 1887-
............................6 Polly THOMPSON 1889-
............................6 Thomas (Tom) THOMPSON 1891-
............................6 Larkin (Lark) THOMPSON 1893-
............................6 Nettie THOMPSON 1894-
..............................+? BLASS
............................6 Julius THOMPSON 1896-
............................6 Charlie 1897-

Thompson/Patton Connection

In the Montgomery/Fincastle/Botetourt County area of Virginia in the earliest frontier days, in 1767,
a Col. James Patton was killed by indians in the Draper Meadows Massacre.
(Please watch for further stories on this interesting and adventuresome man!)

His daughter Mary, married a William Thompson Jr. of whom Col. Patton must have thought highly, for he Willed his Springfield Plantation on Back Creek, in what is now Northern Pulaski Co., Virginia (Cloyds Mt), to William as well as naming him co-executor of his Estate.

The history of this family becomes less than clear to me at this point, but I am secure in the knowledge, that its history is attainable with research. I have found bits and pieces in several local history books, but until I get a clearer picture, I will defer my comments.

But it is known, that there was some dispute among William Thompson's children in regard to his Estate at his death. (Again, more on this event later when my facts are more clear) After court trials and much testimony as to the intentions and demeanor of the elder William, the lands were sold, mostly to a Mr Cloyd, and the family scattered into the still wild, indian inhabited, but advancing, frontier during the years around the turn of the century, ca 1800.

Some of these children and their families went into the Nashville (Fort Nash), Tennessee area, others into the Kentucky wilderness, and still others migrated down (north) the New River and over the Flattop Mountain/Bluestone region, and into what is now Wyoming and Logan Counties of West Virginia.

According to Henry Clay Ragland in his "History of Logan County" ca 1900, the Thomas Patton Thompson (m. Judith Farley) family settled sometime after the 1805 birth of their son.

As mentioned above some Patton Thompson's descendats settled in the McConnell area that is just a few miles up the river (south) from the now, Logan Court House, County Seat of what is now, Logan Co., West Virginia.

On the current "Tiger Map" of Logan County, one can find a 'Thompsons Branch' in the north hollow of the mountain at those bottoms. This mountain is on the west side of the Guyandotte River directly across from where McConnell is now located.

 Many of the Thompson family of the mid & late 1800s, continuing even to date, are buried at the top of another hill facing that mountain, but on the east side of the Guyandotte. This cemetery is now known as the "Hinchman Cemetery" It holds many other early settlers' children and grandchildren as well. This should not be confused with the large Municipal Cememtery just south of it on the other side of this same hill. At one time, before a road was cut up and around this mountain the only way to get to the Hinchman Cemetery was to park in the Municipal Cemetery and walk over the ridge and down to the cemetery. Now it's possible to drive nearly up to it.

To see the Hinchman Cemetery
web page where the indexed names are listed click here.Hinchman Cemetery
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