I will try to list the following names in chronological order as much as possible, to help in keeping the family history order. If an ancestor has a family member prior to, or after, himself/herself, then I will include a link to those people.

Col. James Patton
1692 - 1755

- Col. James Patton, son of Henry Patton and Sarah Lynn was born in Northern Ireland of gentry. The family's Manors were Springfield Manor and Croghan House near Kilmacrenan in County Donegal

Originally a ship's Captain, of the Walpoole, Patton brought to the Colonies, indentured, as well as paying passengers from northern Ireland, Scotland and England and tobacco and fur pelts on the return trip, he eventually, in partnership with another man, obtained land themselves on the condition that they bring over enough families to settle this land. He did so, and settled in the Drapers Meadows (Blacksburg), Virginia area, becoming an Indian fighter and land speculator.

The Wallpoole cleared customs at Whitehaven, on the westeren coast of England on the Scottish Border

He eventually acquired huge land holdings in south western Virginia and western North & South Carolina. He was named Colonel and led the militia in this area as well.

He was killed in the famed Drapers Meadows Massacre. He was with his favorite nephew, William Preston, son of his sister Mary Patton and her husband John Preston, (who was Patton's shipswright while in Ireland and on the trip to the Colonies,)were about to "take off the harvest", at Drapers Meadow (now Blacksburg, Va.) Patton and Preston had just finished an early breakfast and Patton had send Preston to fetch another settler to help in the harvest. Patton sat at his desk with his broad sword at his hand and began to write when Indians burst into the home, in an attack. Patton is said to have been over 6'4" and in fine form and condition for a man of 63 years and was able to fell two of the intruders before losing the fight for his life when he was shot by other Indians. Thus ended the colorful life of an incredible man.

During his lifetime, Col Patton was a Ship's Captain, a land speculator, Surveyer, an Indian fighter, Col of the Militia protecting the areas now that include what is now, SW West Virginia, SW Virginia, and western lands in North and South Carolina as well as a much respected and loved leader of the settlers that came with him to this new land by way of their landing at what is now Alexandria, Virginia. Many stories of this man can be found in books that are sold at the Smithfield Plantation. One of my favorite authors is the late Patricia Givens Johnson. She had several informative books on the Patton/Preston and allied families.

James Patton was the father-in-law of William Thompson Jr.


I am just finding new information on William Thompson Jr and his linage. I have read some stories that place him in Delaware and have him coming to the Montgomery County, Virginia area about the time that Col James Patton settled this land.

Another account by Patricia Givens Johnson, who gave the above account on his coming from Delaware from England before his arrival in Montgomery County, hints there is some belief that at the very least there was a very close connection to King Charles.

"He [James, son of William Thompson Jr.] wrote as if he had some royal perogative and well he may. There is a tradition that his father William Thompson Jr, was direct descendant of King Charles I, through the royal Stuarts of England and Scotland."

"William Preston and the Allegheny Patriots"
Patricia Givens Johnson

More will be added at a later date as I can find information on this family.

It is here that I must mention the great PRESTON family. While not a direct descendant of the Prestons, the Prestons, Pattons, Thompsons and Buchanans will be forever linked at the time of the Drapers Meadows settlements. Col James Patton, it was mentioned, educated the son of his sister Elizabeth, William Preston. And it was William Preston that helped see to the education the son of Patton's daughter Mary Patton Thompson and son-in-law William Thompson Jr.

This son was named James Thompson and was to become involved in much historic action in his adult years. He was eventually named Captain in the Virginia Militia during the Rev War.

The Preston family went on to become the first family of Virginia with a Governor and other high officials and Officers included.

More To Come On...

( ?Thomas) PATTON THOMPSON, son of William Thompson Jr. Patton Thompson moved into what is now Logan County Court House, Logan County, (West) Virginia by 1805.

And his son, JAMES "JACK" THOMPSON of what is now Logan Court House, Logan County, (West) Virginia.

JAMES "JIMMY" THOMPSON, the son of James "Jack" Thompson, is included on the "Family Feudin" Page. More on him as I can find it. He lived at what is now McConnell, West Virginia, just south of Logan CH, Logan County, West Virginia.

LORENZO DOW THOMPSON, was the son of James "Jimmy Thompson, and my Grandfather. Information will be added as I can place it up on the page. He lived first at McConnell then raised his family at Holden while holding the position of Chief of the Electrical Shops of #22 mines of Island Creek Coal Mines as well as other nearby Island Creek Mines. It was he, that first electrified Island Creek Coal Mines.

These are all ancestors in and beyond our THOMPSON line and all very interesting men in their own right.

Please return often.

I will add to these pages as I get information and time.

I welcome ALL input on these families!

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