Thompson Family Surveys

James Thompson ~ Completed 29 June, 1853

John Thompson & James Slator ~ Completed 12 August 1840
[Also mentioned: John Williams, F.R. Pernell]
John Thompson ~ Completed 12 August 1840
John Thompson ~ Completed 7 January 1848
John Thompson ~ Completed 27 January 1853
John Thompson & Thomas Webb ~ Completed 7 March 1854

Patton Thompson
William Thompson

Steel Family

Ralph Steel (2)

Farley Family Surveys

?Jepe? Farley

NOTE: It has been noted, and with some validity, there is not too much information on the surveys to be very useful as research material. Thus I will not continue posting families other than my own lines and/or those that interest me personally.

However, in addition to the surveys just being interesting, I feel that there is enough info on them to be used to "back up" or "place" certain ancestors at a time and place, as well as the fact that the surveys include the Treasury Warrent numbers which can be helpful in locating actual Land Deeds.

I've noticed the Library of Virginia has many land surveys on their online site, so apparently there are those that do gleen information from them. I doubt the Library would take the time to place them up if there were of minimum value to researchers.

If you see a surname on the list that interests you with no url link, just email me and I can send it to you directly. I will try to keep the list updated.

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