Hinchman Cemetery

McConnell, West Virginia
Route 10

From Logan Courthouse, take Route 10 south, several miles to McConnell.
Across from the old former postoffice [ask someone if you can't find this] on the east side of RT 10, there is a road that goes up the mountain. This is a steep hill. Near the top you will see a small nearly new apartment complex to your left. Park in the apartment's parking lot. [The owner must give permission per agreement - but please be courteous :D]
The cemetery is located behind the apartment building at the crest of the hill.

Below is a list of names in this cemetery.

After this list, you will find a listing of the order and description of the stones as I found them as of April, 1998, row by row. Included in this later portion is unmarked, unreadable and broken stones.

      Allen, Christina                  Hall, Mary
                                              Oliver Wendal
      Atkins, Peechie                            
                                        Hinchman, Albert
      Bishop, John                                Alex
              Ora                                 John E.
      Bittner, Ruby                               Martha J.
      Bright, Cordie Hins                         Relma L.
                                                  Virgil A.
      Buchanan, Kesiah        
                                        Hopkins, Anna
      Burgess, Lillian                           Bernard
               Leonard                           Jeff N.
               Mary L.                           Lizzie
                                        Keyser, Teddy
      Chatfield, Bernard
                 Martha Perry           Lewis, Mildred

      Claypool, Frank                   Long, Eunice Thompson
                George                        Monroe
                Minnie                  Perry, Albert Sr.
                                               A. J. 
      Burgess, Lillian                         Elizabeth 
               Leonard                         Lewis W.
               Mary L.
               'Unk'                    Riffe, Gorden
                                               John D.
      Chatfield, Bernard                       Gordon
                 Martha Perry
                                        Ruggles, Lewis Alfred
      Claypool, Frank
                George                  Spratt, Phylis
                Minnie                  Thompson,Cledus
      Clevenger, Dixie Jane                      Florence
                 Jimmy                           Hattie C.
      Cook, Cora                                 James
                                                 James W.
      Ghiz, Ady Klele                            Jennie Catherine
            Harvey Jr.                           Julius
            Mary                                 Lorenzo Dow
      Gilpin, Baby E.                            Louvernia
              Cora                               Malinda May
              William M                          Mary        
      Gore, Bessie Mullins                       Melvin B.
            Eli Preston
            Emil S.         

                              Reserved spaces for the cremains of 
                                the late Hazel Dewitt Murray and 
                                     Elizabeth Thompson Murray
                                 are in the Thompson Family area.

. . .

There are several stones that cannot be read among the older stones.
Also I've included the funeral home's name wherever a "tag" was found.
This may help in finding further information on that person.

My comments are included in [ ] brackets.

Part of this section of the cemetery was created when the original old pathway was filled in and built up to add the appartment building.
This added an expanse of land that could hold additional graves.

1st Row HOPKINS Anna Myrtle Jan 25,1912 Nov 16, 1992 Bernard B. Feb 6, 1912 Apr 11, 1973 Jeff N. Feb 8, 1917 Jan 21, 1970 "Staff Sargent USMC WWII" "Easy" J.B. Aug 16,1883 Apr 25, 1957 "He Died as he lived, a Christian" Lizzie 1887 1952 "Dying is but going home" THOMPSON Hattie C. Jul 25,1885 Jan 29,1950 Melvin B. Nov 1, 1884 Dec 12,1958 BURGESS Lillian Apr 16,1912 Nov 25, 1988 Leonard Jan 18,1913 Apr 4, 1998 THOMPSON Lola Mar 17,1915 Jan 29, 1954 KEYSER Teddy Aug 13, 1969 Feb 11,1971 "Son of Carl & Kathy Keyser" "At Rest" 2nd Row HINCHMAN Nora 1902 1985 [No stone - Honeker Funeral Home Tag] Virgil A. Jan 21, 1900 Mar 3, 1953 "Father" Martha J. Jun 21, 1867? Nov 21,1950 "Mother" Marie Dec 16,1911 Aug 15,1968 "In Memory of Mother Asleep in Jesus" (Pathway) Alex F. Sep 29, 1889 Nov 30,1951 "In Memory of [?]" [Faintly visible at top of stone] THOMPSON Elizabeth 1912 1990 Elmer 1909 1992 [Family stone only - both graves have James Funeral Home tags] 3rd Row HINCHMAN Ralph O. Jan 21,1906 Dec 21,1968 "In Memory of Husband & Father" [top] "Gone But Not Forgotten" [bottom] Relma L. June 25 1909 Feb 4, 1991 "In Memory of Wife & Mother" [top] "Gone But Not Forgotten" [bottom] 4th Row CLEVENGER Jimmy Apr 15,1933 Jun 15,1994 Dixie Jane Mar 3,1937 - - - "Whether Thow Goest I Will Go" [one large stone with circle showing one hand in another]


5th Row

        [Damaged - Footstones & remnants of headstone]
        William M.             1908           1930
        Cora [wife]            [?]            [?]
        Baby E.                [?]            [?] 
                        "Son of William M. and Cora Gilpin" 


        Ruby            July 3,1906     Nov 3,1937

        Florence        Dec 12,1880     Jul 1,1957

    UNKNOWN             [Hand chiselled footstone with rock for
                                                a head stone]

6th Row

        Bessie Mullins          1894          1979

        Eli Preston             1889          1967
    UNKNOWN             [May be or Ermin S. Gore 1911 - 1926
                         This stone found where a walkway
                         should be (between to posts)into an
                         area that had been marked  by metal 
                         fenceposts. No chain, and some posts


   UKNNOWN              [Small stone - no writing Also a second
        2 graves        hand chiselled stone with no writting]

        Mildred         Nov 18, 1926    Oct 9,1927
                        [Broken headstone]

        2 graves        [No stones - however from the way a
                        large headstone sits, it is probably the
                        graves of the following people. These 
                        graves are begining to sink. The graves 
                        look as if they sit facing opposite of
                        the other graves in this cemetery]

        Cordie  Hins    Nov  5,1984      Mar 28,1928
                        "Rock of Ages"
                        "She hath done what she could"
                        [This is the large stone mentioned above
                         The front had "Bright" ingraved 
                         on bottom back with the the Cordie Hins
                         on front (away from sunken graves.)
                         The Rock of Ages inscription is at the
                         bottom front.]

7th Row

        Emil S.               1913              1991
                        [Evans Funeral Home tag]

        John D.               1895              1967

8th Row
        Albert Sr.            1936              1993
                        [James Funeral Home tag]

        Lewis W.        Apr 29,1907      Mar 6,1949
                        "Gone But Not Forgotten"

9th, 10th, & 11th Rows 

   GHIZ                 [Very large monuments]
        Harvey Jr.      Apr 2,1919       Dec 6,1935
                        "Son of Harvey and Ady"

        Ady Klele       Feb 15,1888      Jul 13,1932
                        "Wife of Harvey Ghiz, born in 
                        Damascus, Syria"
                           "Kind mother of love thou
                            art gone to thy rest.
                            Forever to bask amid 
                            the joys of the best"

        Harvey          Dec 15,1873      July 1,1924
                        "Born in KiFair, Syria"
                           "Kind father of love thou
                            art gone to thy rest.
                            Forever to bask amid
                            the joys of the best"

        Mary            Mar 20,1845      Aug 23,1922
                           "Rest mother rest,
                               in quiet sleep,
                               While friends in sorrow 
                               o'er thee weep"
It is here that the rows lose their clarity. To the left of the pathway is the above Khiz family site. To the right, is the enclosed 'L' shaped Thompson family site. Within the 'notch' of the 'L', are several graves that I have listed as in the "Notch". These persons were not related to the Thompson family.

The Thompson Family site has one large pink marble stone with "Thompson" on it in the center of the site with a rail and stone post fence around it. Surrounding this main stone, are low wedgeshaped pink marble stones naming the individuals.
There is a threshold with "Thompson" engraved in it.

         Malinda May            1890             1978
                         [Malinda Elizabeth May 
                         b. 8/5/1890  Roach, WV
                         d. 9/8/1978  Roanoke, VA
                         m. L.D Thompson 1/1/1907]

         L.D.                   1885             1941]
                         [Lorenzo Dow (Sr) 
                         b. 9/10/1885  Logan Co WV 
                                       (prbly nr McConnell)
                         d. 6/4/1941   Holden, WV]

         [vacant]        [space resr'd for Lillian Thompson Hall 
                          dau of L.D. & Malinda - Still living]

         Oliver Wendel Hall     1917              1980

         Mary                   1907              1923
                         [dau of L.D. & Malinda]

         James W.               1924              1934
                         [son of L.D. & Malinda]

         Mary Hall       Jul 21,1943   Jul 21,1943

         Monroe Long            1911              1960
                         [Footstone - "Cpl., Co. 'B' 429th Inf.
                                       WWII  5/21/1911-9/8/1960"]

         Eunice Long            1908              1995
                                        [d. 12/13/1995]
                         [dau of L.D. & Malinda]

        Next two gravesites are reservered for the cremains of:

         Elizabeth Murray Jul 29,1922       Dec 13,1995
                         [dau of L.D. & Malinda - wife of H.D.]
                         [Eunice and Elizabeth died the same day]
         Hazel Dewitt Murray Oct 5,1918     Jul 5,1996  

Outside the 'L'shaped, L.D. Thompson cemetery site,
are the graves mentioned above as in the 'Notch'

JOHNSON Eunice Nov 27,1886 May 3,1940 Unknown [These two badly sunken graves Unknown are marked only by rocks] 12th Row Behind the Ghiz family site is looks as if there may be some very old stones and corner stones - unable to tell due to heavy dead leaf and brush coverage. Also behind the Ghiz family site is: BURGESS Mary L. Jul 24, 1889 Feb 25,1911 "Wife of G.W. Burgess" [???] gess Dec 26, 1908 Jan 16, 1909 [broken stone - prob G.W. Burgess] PATHWAY At least 4 unmarked sunken graves - probably more-unable to tell - but it looks like several have been marked by only a rock for a footstone. These rocks appear to be chiselled to be a marker and not just random rocks found in the area. 13th Row PERRY [double stone - recorded as on stone] "Mother" "Father" Elizabeth Perry A. J. Perry b. Jul 23,1852 b. Jun 21,1847 d. Jan 29,1924 d. Jan 9,1919 Aged 71yrs 6mo 6da Aged 71yrs 6mo 18da PATHWAY CHATFIELD Benard L. Mar 11,1922 Jun 29,1922 Martha Perry Jan 23,1903 Mar 22,1939 "Our Mother knew the Lord" 14th Row Again the rows 'wobble' a bit here. To the far left there is another Thompson family site, surrounded with the stone post and rail for fencing. There are only two graves within this fenced area. A distance toward the bottom of the fenced area (this site goes over the hill), is one grave, by itself. McKINLEY A.J. May 3,1882 Sep 29,1920 "Gone Home" Near the top of the site is the grave of: THOMPSON Mary As written: Died Feb 19,1903 Age 38yrs "Only sleeping" [Mary Elizabeth Allen Thompson was the mother of L.D. Thompson listed above] The rail of this site comes between Mary's grave and her husband's grave. Next to him, are several other Thompson family member's graves. They are as follows: James Thompson -- Oct 12,1897 Age 53 yrs "Gone But Not Forgotten" [He was the husband of Mary Elizabeth Allen and father of L.D. Thompson. The '7' in the '1897' has been damaged - but the death date has been validated by other sources] Christina Allen **"Died 1863" "Age 63 yrs" Christina was the mother of Mary Elizabeth Allen Thompson. **NOTE: This date is in ERROR!** Christina (Gunnoe) Allen is listed in the Logan Co. 1880 Census as 49 years old. It is known she married Nehemiah Allen in 1858 in Wyoming Co., WV who died in the Civil War. She was the mother of 3 known children, Scott Allen listed as 37 in 1900 Census, Mary Elizabeth (listed above)aged 35 in same census and Belle who was listed also listed as 35 (Belle listed as 12 in 1880 and is more in keeping with family information). Cletus Thompson Oct 26, 1910 Feb 11, 1911 "In God's Care" [son of L.D. & Malinda] Julius Thompson Sept 25, 1896 Mar 20, 1922 "Gone Home" [bro of L.D. Thompson] 14th Row UNKNOWN [stone with no writing] ?UNKNOWN? [possible sunken grave] 15th Row HINCHMAN Albert Jul 8, 1864 Mar 31, 1933 [Blank, handmade broken stone - ? child] [Blank, handmand stone - ? child 1897] John E. Jul 4, 18? Jun 19,1898 "Aged 11 mo 15da" "Son of A.L. & M. Hinchman" [Stones as head and foot markers - no written markings] [Stone broken-Flat-looks like E ? T H scratched on it Handmade "?1872"] THOMPSON Henry 1848 1940 [Uncle of L.D. Thompson & brother of James earlier listed earlier] Louvernia 1857 1951 [wife of Henry] Jennie Catherine Jun 3,1918 Jun 21,1919 "Dau of Melvin & Hattie Thompson" "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" ATKINS [Family Stone] Peechie 1894 1944 CLAYPOOL [Family Stone with Claypool Threshold but no fence - Heavily overgrown] Minnie M. 1898 1929 George Robert 1882 1941 16th Row UNKNOWN [Child/infant - stone - no writing] [Child/infant - Stone - no writing] [Child/young adult - sunken, no head or footstones] [Child/young adult - sunken, no head or footstones] [Child/young adult - sunken, no head or footstones] [? Jagged edge of ?footstone] BISHOP Ora 1877 1935 "Mother" THOMPSON [Family Stone] Maud May May 7 1892 Sep 16,1895 "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" HINCHMAN [3 old gravesites - Severe overgrowth with one nearly burried, broken stone marked as follows:] Apr 16,1911 Jul 9, 1911 17th Row CLAYPOOL Frank 1913 1958 [Stone looks recent but is half burried and severely overgrown. Harris Funeral Home tag] COOK [Family Stone] Cora Aug 29,1869 Dec 28,1922 "None Knew thee but to Love thee" BUCHANAN Kesiah "Born about 1834 Died about 1908 Aged aout 71 years "Her tools are past, her work is done She fought the fight the victory won" CLAYPOOL Lettiel 1882 1918 "Baby" "Infant daughter of John and Lettie Claypool - 1915" [This is a marker at the front of the above stone] 18th Row PERRY Samuel Thummond Nov 19,1941 Nov 22,1941 BISHOP John 1872 1935 "Father" UNKNOWN [broken marker - no writing] RIFFE Nancy C. Apr 18,1862 Jan 29,1936 "Gone But Not Forgotten" "RIFFE" Gordon Nov 10 1846 Mar 24,1923 "A Friend To His Country and a Beliver in Christ" "RIFFE" SPRATT William 1880 1933 [This is a round log-like stone] Phylis Oct 6,1923 Jun 30,1925 "dau of Lee & Hattie Spratt" [At edge of cemetry boundry under brush] OUTSIDE ADDITION At the nortwest corner of Hinchman Cemetery, but NOT officially part of it are the following graves. [This area is on the hillside and has been "built" up to accommodate new graves. There is some question as to the stability of this area. At sometime it is possible these graves may need to be moved. Hopefully not.] RUGGLES Lewis Alfred Mary Louise Jan 4, 1904 June 17, 1907 Apr 26, 1967 WEBB Alfred Sr Alfred Jr Jun 22, 1924 Jan 21, 1957 Mar 31, 1993 Feb 22, 1995 PFC US ARMY "In God's Grace" WWII

Please email me with any corrections or new infomation on any of these entries.
I welcome all input!


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