I know you expected me to have this great paragraph for each of ya... and
have everyone on here at once but people get real .. do you realize what
your asking *L* you want me to write all that *when we all know
this page isn't gonna hold it all*L* I'm am going to write all you
guys in here might take me awhile but I'm gonna take it one name at
a time!

off I want to mention my real time sister Lovebug...see
sis I didn't forgot you *L* your right at the top of the list*shedevil
takes sticky note off monitor* ...I know we fought
a lot in the past *G* and some of those fights I won't be forgetting anytime
just remember its mom's fault that we didn't get along ..she didn't give
us keyboards as kids *LOL*... *hugs*
.....hey real time Bro we had some fights to *L* Credit Union comes to mind *LMAO* and to think we are still aloud in the same bar drinking *giggling* but hey your my big brother so i
gotta love ya *at least thats what people keep telling me* anyway don't
just stay cool ..stay icy cool *Hugs*
well girl I know we had some trouble in the past.... just glad you were
on my side when the fights began *L* who ever thought a blonde could be
so nasty in a fight *LOL* just remember if your ever in need of help you
can count on me ..and if you need bail money remember we each get a phone
call ...we should be able to rounds some up*LOL**hugs*
ummm what can I say ..your another person always seems to be where ever
there is a fight *L* what is it about us? well girl I wish you luck in
your man hunt.. just remember to find out if he has a tall dark and handsome
brother *G* and I will do the same .. remember you can always count on
me if your in trouble ..although I can't figure out how I can help..when
me and Jade are sitting beside you in Jail *L* *hugs*
Rose... T2T I know you have had some bad times but remember you are
one of the strong ones *even without your bobbit knife* .. don't look at
me like that you know I'm telling the truth .. I've seen you get mad *afraid*
it takes a strong person to take life head on like you did and I'm proud
of you .... and remember if you ever need to talk to someone you know where
to find me *hugs*
where would we be without you .... when I first started going to thirtysomething
chat i dodged you like the Plague *LMAO* because I well as you already
know trouble usually follows me *G* and i have one hell of a temper..
but then I started getting to know you and realized your one hell of a
nice guy... and your not a stick on the mud like I thought you were going
to be *LMAO* . hey I was a newbie how was I suppose to know *L*
keep smiling hon and if you don't feel like smiling someday and you want
to talk you can find me at 30+ chat the address will be in the links *L*
I'm thinking maybe red curtains what do you think *LOL*.......Hon when
I first met you I thought you were the biggest ass-hole in 30+ *LMAO* but
then I got to know you and realized that I just happened to enter the forum
at a bad time *G* .. I'm glad you were as addicted I mean
dedicated to chatting as much as i was cause I got to know you and found
out that you were one of the biggest sweet hearts in 30+..and a great father to Nicolas*sweet smile* if
you ever need a friend to listen I'm here for you! *HUGS*
well hon I'm glad we met your one hell of a nice guy.. well have laughed
together alot in 30+ and icq .. if sis only knew we were laughing at her
*L* I hope to see you in Nova Scotia someday .. who knows maybe you can
teach my sister to cook ..or at least not catch food on fire *LOL* I hope
we continue being good friends and if you ever need to chat about anything
you know where to find me *not that I'm online much*L* *HUGS*
... well I hope you have your ring on hon *L* .. when i first
met you ... you didn't look like a doggie .. you were more like a frog
I mean a prince *L* but I have grown to love the new you *L* even if it
did take me a while to figure out you were one in the same *L* just remember
you have a friend in me no matter what kind of animal you are *EWG* and
I'd love to sit down and have a few drinks together sometime *L* but remember
you can have the hang-over ..really I insist *L*
.. well I guess I can't say to much about you ..after all we are in the
same province for now *L* when I first met you at icy's I thought
you were a freak.. o.k nothing has change in that way but now bud I know
you a little better and even though your not the sharpest knife in the
drawer your cool *LOL* remember keep it between the ditches *HUGS* and
yes I know I put a capital "M" but this font doesn't do small
letters *L*
well when I first met you ...I said you were whipped *wait a
minute you still are *LOL* ... let me start again *L* ... genie when I
first met you I didn't know what to think of you *LOL* you were kinda like
a nice ass-hole but I didn't think that was possible but you proved me
wrong there is such a thing as a nice ass-hole *LOL* well I hope we keep
being friends even if you don't trust my sweet smile *LOL* *HUGS*
hmmm what do I say *EWG* when i first met you ... you were really
shy but then I got to know you and found out it was just an act you really
are just a slut *L* but don't worry i won't tell anyone *sweet smile* ...
remember you can't rape the willing !!!!! *psst don't tell Bug but he is
really a nice guy but shhhh it will go straight to his head *LOL* well
hon I'll c-ya at the bar ...or after the bar if you will come tuck me in AGAIN *EWG*
girl...well I'm sure you have cursed me in the past *L* but hey how was
I suppose to know that giving you green hair was going to clash with your
eyes *LMAO*... oh well it could have been worse *L* I know I have picked
on you a time or two ..o.k a lot more then a couple *LOL* but you know
you love it *LOL* hope to see you around *hugs*
i would first like to say your to nosey for your own good *LOL* didn't
anyone ever teach you not to hit buttons you don't know what they are for
*LOL* other than that your a real sweatheart... hey maybe someday you will find something useful to do with your pool equipment *LMAO* hope to see you at the bar *i'll try NOT to sing* *afraid*
... c-ya around *hugs*
hey Pal .. well I can honestly say your the sweetest of all icy's friends
... even though you are the strong silent type *L* or at least thats what
you lead everyone to believe *s* but we all no better really are
the wild man *S* well I'm glad we met *HUGS*
.... I'd like to start off by saying ... I like the name broken cue better!!!
... well when you first started coming to 30+ you were a little shy ..took
you a while to take that first step in the door ... your were more like
a phantom then a cue *L* I'm glad I got the chance to meet you hon your one hell of a nice guy. Don't ever change! *HUGS*