Since coming home with me, we've increased his food intake, including some green veggies, grapes, etc. and given him unlimited hay. He is still impacted, but his weight is increasing and his coat is looking much better
Since he has gained some weight we moved him in with Mishka. The two of them get along wonderfully. Sometimes you can find them lying next to each other very cozy in a corner. The only time there is a problem is if Shadow somehow gets the last piece of lettuce in the morning!
Unfortunately, about a year after he came home with us, he started to decline. He got a foot infection that simply refused to heal, eventually it must have spread to his brain and heart. I found him having seizures one morning, so I took him right to the vet and had her put him to sleep. He is finally at peace. In all that time he never complained, took his medicine and put up with my putting ointment on his feet without fighting. And Mishka keep him protected all the time. I miss the little guy.
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