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The Caviaries

The Main Caviary

Main CaviarySpazz and Manda Mae live in the the Main Caviary. It was built from a sink cabinet base and plywood. Cost was about $200. Underneath is where the bedding (CareFresh), pellets and Timothy hay are kept. Who says my pigs are spoiled! They just need a nice place to live. The MC provides them with eight square feet of floor space which is suppose to be plenty for two pigs. Right now the storage area holds half a bale of Timothy Hay that I paid $4.50 for, there's a lot of straw, but everyone seems to enjoy eating it! There is also a lot of grooming and medical equipment down there. A new scale that reads up to five pounds is also there. This cabinet idea is great for keeping all the "stuff" close to the piggens.!

The Boy's Dorm

Boy's CageThe Boy's Dorm is like the MC except that it sits on the floor. Cost about $60 to build. The three boys have a little ledge to climb on with a ramp, that they ignore half the time. The food dish is kept up there so they have to work at least a little to get their pellets. At the left end I recently added a 10 inch section of shelving as a hay rack. Of course the guys love to climb up in it to eat instead of eating hay from underneath. They also love to pull down hay, build a little "bed" and take a snooze under the hay rack. So it is not uncommon to see one boy in the hay rack, one under it and a third on the ledge eating pellets! At least they aren't eating the wire frame trying to get out and get with the girls!

The Girl's Condo

Girl's CageHoneybear and Penny live in The Girl's Condo. Because Manda is very rude to both Honeybear and Penny, we haven't been able to move the girls into the MC! I also suspect that Manda is jealous because Spazz tries to court both Honeybear (a very sleek and satiny Golden Agouti) and Penny (who is also a Golden Agouti, and very young with beautiful round eyes!) So Honeybear lives in the Condo with her daughter. They enjoy climbing the ramp and jumping off the top level. I added a little hut on the top shelf and added a "safety net" on the edge so that Penny wouldn't accidently drop the hut on her mother's head. The lower level has cardboard around most of the area under the shelf, this gives the girls a large enclosed area that makes them feel very secure. They find this a great place to look out at the world from.Mom and Penny caviary: Home
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Page maintained by Dale L. Sigler. Copyright © 1997. Updated: 5/13/97