Some of the pictures aren't clear, she is a lovely fawn color, black nose and eyes, and a white blaze and stockings. She is also very thin, not real clear in the last picture, but believe me, she is thin! The vet tech at the Humane Society said she had eaten less than a can of food in over four days when I took her home. So during the weekend (I brought her home late on Friday evening) she ate three large cans and three small cans of dog food - along with half a small bag of dry dog food, at this rate we'll have to rename her Refridgerator Perry! She has a page on the Humane Society's site as well.
We haven't formally introduced her to the Marauding Horde! yet. I want to get her more use to the family and then see how she reacts to the guinea pigs. Naturally she will never have uncontrolled access to their room. That is the best way to prevent accidents!
Aelish has now been with us for almost a year, and my DW is now talking about another boxer! But she's thinking *years* from now...we'll see. Anyway, Aelish has put on weight, and taken over pretty much the whole house. She is eating very well, but is currently on a special diet from the vet. Seems that her hay eating is causing her stomach no end of trouble so we've got to keep the Marauding Horde! area cleaned up better. When she can't get at the hay she doesn't get an upset tummy!
One of her favorite past times is to chase her frisbee, not necessarily after I've thrown it, just pushing it about with her nose! In the second photo below you can see her pushing it, and you can see the bare area of our yard that use to have grass on it that she does this on. I'm not even going to try to reseed it, but I think I better get a good doormat for the back door cuz in the winter and spring we will be tracking in some serious amounts of mud!
I've also discovered that there are other nuts out there for boxers and have joined a very interesting mailing list called Boxer Mailing List. This site has a lot of info on boxers, and other folks who are just as nuts about this wonderful breed as I am. I figure when it's time to find our next boxer, this is where we'll go to find the breeder. I absolutely refuse to do business with a pet shop that carries animals! After working for the Connecticut Humane Society I see the end result of this too many times.
Oh yeah, some new pics of our little girl!
We've added a new dog to the house, a Chihuahua! Talk about a mismatch! Aelish thinks he is just a puppy, and
Bobby thinks he is top dog! Too funny for words. Naturally, he has his own page on this site. Aelish seems to have an allergy problem, so we are feeding a special diet. Shortly after the Iams company was sold to Procter and Gamble is when the problems started - seems they replaced the wheat with corn. I'm guessing that has been her problem from the start. She loves the new food, and so does "lil bit" (my nickname for
Bobby). They are enjoying the California
Natural. Finally have a great shot of Aelish looking over the family room sofa. She has the "sad puppy" look down cold doesn't she? don't let her fool you, she is living the good life and enjoying every minute of it!
Aelish has also developed a new aspect to her. She makes a great foster mom! We have had two dogs stay with us and she has been wonderful with both Hadley and with Angel. Naturally I have to show you pictures of them together!