Honeybear's and Penny's Page

These are more pictures of Honeybear and Penny. We have four babies now. All just as cute as any baby can be. And the proof is that you can also see pictures of Penny here too! And the boys have their own page of pictures.

Honeybear is a real cuddler, she loves to sit on my stomach, lay her head on my elbow and chitter-chatters while you scratch her head. If you scratch behind her skull, at the top of her neck, she'll purr better than any kitten. However, if you stop she looks up at you like "well, why did you stop petting me? That's your only job in life isn't it?" Not to say she is spoiled or anything. However, when we got her, we discovered that she had a torn ear and about a dozen bites on her back. Betsy (my wife) promised her that no one would ever hurt her again. We didn't know about the pregnancy at that time. Since she delivered the babies she's had the soft life. She has her daughter with her, who, at three months, is beginning to act like a "big girl" and not like a kid who's had too many Starbursts!

Honeybear and PennyThe two girls now live together and are literally inseperable. I even have to take them both to the vet when one of them needs attention. This is great when one is upset, but it does make for some extra work, managing two animals at once. In the above picture you see Honeybear on the left and Penny, with her blaze, on the right. Penny looks bigger because, as always, she wants to know what's going on, so she wanted to get a closer look at the camara! Silly Piggen.

Right now Penny is on her third bladder infection due to calcium crystals forming in her bladder. We will be working with several vets to figure out the best way to deal with this problem and then create a page of information about the changes needed to provide an animal with a better chance of avoiding this problem. Needless to say this has everyone here upset.

I've added a page of family pictures, just to show the babies a bit better. It's funny, they already look different than they did in the pictures, of course they're about three months older now!.

Honey2 Honey3 Honeybear
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Page maintained by Dale L. Sigler. Copyright © 1997. Updated: 1/24/98