Meet My Family!

Hi there, scroll way down after reading about who we are in the family picture. Now you can put a face to the print. Hugz from your friends from Vancouver, Canada

(My little angels and my guardian angel, Michael.)are... in the picture taken 6 years ago, below from top left to right, Michael, Braeden who is 17, Brolin 13, Meghan 12 (Mike's daughter from his first marriage), Brycen 11, Riley 6 Jan.19/2002, Me Kim and Kahla 18. My 3 eldest sons, Kahla and I share within my 13 years of marriage to their father. They all live with us but Meghan.
Michael and I have been married for over 12 years and we have Riley & Landon. Mike works for the Airlines as a Station Attendant (15 yrs. now) Yes, we fly all over the place-sometimes! We now have a new son Landon Quinn Born 04/04/01.

(MAC) My Hubby is a soccer pro from way back.

Children's Interests

My eldest son played soccer in the 1998 BC Games and we all enjoy Bowling, Nintendo, going to and renting movies. My step daughter lives with her mother and is taking figure skating lessons & soft ball. And my eldest daughter Kahla loves the Fine Arts and was a grade 8/9 dance major, a grd. 10 Dramma Major as well as a grade A student too. She is now a Graduated Honour Roll Student and has done many commercials and acted with Shelly Long in Fatal Memories and was Fred Savage's sister in Christmas On Division Street.

Watch for it. It's on every Christmas.

Jim Brynes Christmas On Division Street Page:

The Family Pic

Updated 2008:

My interests are:

Children (especially my children) and Child Care which I have done for 12 years " I might add ". I am now an Activity Co-ordinator for a head injury facility (Recreation Dept.). I also have an extensive musical theatre background, taught jazz, enjoy internet pen pals, (I've never touched a computer in my life until the summer of 1997) chatting on ICQ when I have the time? (LOL) music, my pets, collecting cow nick nacks for my kitchen, angels for my livingroom and spending time with my very favorite person in the world, my "sweetheart" Michael. If you want you can sometimes reach us on ICQ.
Take this wish & pass it on may your happiness last so long ! May your love see you through all the times that make you blue. And if a time happens by that you feel alone & start to sigh, remember then you have a friend I am here - just ICQ send.

This is my web shop: Check it out if you have time.


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Some images came from Miss Dj's

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