Also Known as Zig's Library

This is where the Intellectual Crew hang out!

<BGSOUND="redredwine.mid"> In my travels through Cyberspace, I have been most fortunate to meet some of the finest people I've ever known.It would be just impossible to list them all, but here are a few with whom I am often in contact. Thank you all for your encouragement and patience. I appreciate all the help I've had from many of you while I tried to understand HTML! It's been quite an experience! If I've missed anyone, Please e-mail and let me know. Or, if you find your name on here, and don't wish to be...also, just let me know.

Some of my most valued cyber friends and Family

  • Beamer - My dearest Cybersister....always there with a smile and a hug for anyone who needs it...a true friend and genuine person...a friend who is the first into the fray when the chips are down..and first in the forum to start the mischief! Beamer and Tazman just got married on Halloween! I wish them the very best of everything! Big HUGS Sis...Loves ya!

  • Macman and Phil - In other one of life's funny little twists, I find - Online - a friend of 19 years whom I hadn't seen in 9 of them! And his lady, Phil, is from Newfoundland! I see them in ICQ and we chat sometimes in Six Degrees. We saw each other real time this past summer. They've gotten Jester & I hooked on Acro Phobia now! What fun! Still waiting patiently for Macman to complete his Home Page! He's a pretty creative and witty person, so it should be a fun page!
  • BingoMom - A dear lady who has a real talent at keeping the peace in a Chat Forum....and making people feel rather special. God has a special place in Heaven Reserved for ladies like BingoMom! Big HUGS!

  • Buckshot - An old fashioned hero....fighter of evil, and knight in shining armour! My dear of the mountains! We don't get to talk too much...although I do keep him up to date on our local QMJHL team! I sleep a little easier just knowing that he's in the world!

  • Cookie - A real time friend, she's new to the Internet, but we're having a real blast!
  • Drew - Loads of fun....a Real Time Friend, as well! One of these days...he will amaze us all with his Home Page! Hugs Drew!

  • H@mlet - A real fun guy...a fellow Canadian with a GREAT sense of humour! Definitely LOTS of fun!....and with a grest selection of tights!..*L*...Hugs h@mmy!..

  • Jester - My other half...the missing piece in the puzzle of my pal! Thank you for lighting up my life and showing me how to live. I love you!

  • Lady Bar Fly This fun lady first got me interested in HTML! Little did I know that Saturday morning in 30s that this would become such an interest! Always up for a bit of fun LBF is great cyber friend!

  • Marco Polo - One of my first Cyber guide through the Halls of Cyberspace. Thanks Marco, for being my friend....and for getting me started at something that I enjoy so much!

  • Peter Pumpkin - My friend in all that is controversial and fun! The guy with the great looking dog! This is the man with whom I discuss politics and religion....all those social faux pas! Peter puts the right slant on life whenever insanity approaches!...And he NEVER inhales!.*L*

  • Rat - A real time friend. We've known each other since shortly after we moved to Moncton. A real professional at work, Derek has a bonafide sense of humour that qualifies him as an honorary Newfoundlander!

  • Redheaded stepchild - Hi to my FUN FRIEND!....the one I can be immature partner in Super Soaker Splashes...and Food Fights! My "Thirtysomething" Buddie! And my next door neighbour in Geocities! MANY of us know...a loyal friend and confidante! And now...a Newlywed!....Hope you're truly happy Red!...HUGS!

  • Tazman - The other half of my Cybersis...and a darned good addition to the World!....Compassionate and kind....caring and honest...and man enough to tell the World how he feels! Take good care of my cyber sis! Loves ya Tazman!..*S*..

  • Whataboutbob - What can I say about my best friend?...Thanks for always being there...even if you sold my soul to Santa...*LOL*...Anything for you, buddy! All the best in life is yet to come for you Bob!....and I will enjoy watching it all happen! And when I get sued for speaking my mind freely in 30s...He'll be there to defend my CyberCrime!..*L*..Hugs, dear friend!