Internet Youth Group's Survey

Please fill out our survey.

This survey is used by us only to get an idea of where you are comming from on different issues and to best provide areas of study applicable to your life. The information you provide will be kept confidential.

Please tell me your name: (Do not hit return)

1) Who runs your home?

2) Has anyone ever deeply hurt you or in any way offended you?

3) What kind of person would you like to date?

4) Describe for me the events leading up to your salvation.

5) Have you ever had any doubts about your salvation?

6) Most people fight on as many as three battlefields: thoughts, actions, and habits.
On how many battlefields are you currently fighting?


7) If someone were to write a book about your family life, what would the title be?

8) How far physically should a person go in dating?

9) Describe the happiest day of your life.

10) Describe the saddest day of your life.

11) How does a person become a Christian?

12) What is the one thing you would like to accomplish the most in your life.

13) Do you ever think about dying? If so, what kinds of thoughts?

14) If you could be doing anything ten years from now, what would it be?

15) If you were standing in front of a mirror and could change anything about yourself,
what would you change?

16) If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?

17) What is the purpose of a friend?

18) When is a person ready to date?

19) Describe the best friend you ever had.

20) If you could be granted three wishes, what would they be?

21) If you could set any goal for yourself and you were guaranteed that you would
be successful in achieving it, what goal would you set?

22) What do you like best/least about yourself?

23) If you were standing in front of God and could ask Him anything, what would you ask?

24) What is your greatest fear in life?

25) What do you lie awake at night thinking about?

26) What do you think about Church?

27) What do you like best/least about your school?

28) How can we, as your youth pastors, and especially as your friends, best serve you in the future?