Make a Donation
As a small group leader you would contact 4-6 members of IYG at least once a
week and develop an ongoing friendship with them. You would offer assistance,
prayer and guidance when necessary but mostly be a continuing friend and Godly
influence in their lives. If you are interested in this position please fill
out the form
linked to here
If Fund-raising is your forte, or if you think that you would like to help us
in raising money for IYG, then we would love to hear from you!
Please write us at
As you can see, much of our work is done on web pages. Designing and updating
pages, creating graphics, checking links, and keeping visible on the World-Wide
Web are a constant source of work for us. If you know a bit about web-pages
and graphics; or even if you have a heart-felt interest to learn and donate some
good time to IYG, please e-mail us at
One of the main outputs of our ministry, besides the web pages, are our daily
devotions and weekly studies. Our goal is to send out good quality Biblical
insights every day and provide a resource of information and knowledge that
relates to our world in every weekly study. If you feel you may have a gift
for writing and have a good and
growing relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, we would really
appreciate you joining us in the writing part of IYG's ministry. Please write
us at
if you are interested. We would love to have you.
I have heard it said that there are 3 main ways of working in the ministry and
all are equally needed - Preaching, Praying, and Paying. If you feel you would
like to join us in the paying portion, we would love to have your donations.
All donations are tax-deductible. Some of the ways you can help us financially
is by donating cash/money, stocks or bonds, artwork and collectibles, and any
products that would help us in the ministry, such as computers, Bibles, study
aids, or desk chairs. If you own a manufacturing business and are not sure if
we could use your products, please write us and ask. If you have questions as
to anything's tax deductibility, please see IRS
publication 526
for more information.
Please send all donations to the address below. As you may have some questions
regarding your donation to IYG, please feel free to contact us by any means you
feel comfortable. Our e-mail address is
Our mailing address is:
Chickasha, OK 73018
Prayer is a very powerful tool in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and it's power is
not to be underestimated. If you would like to pray for the success of IYG we
welcome all of the "hand to hand" combat that you can put forth. We can always
use prayer for the leadership of IYG, the funding, and the lessons/studies we
send out in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you would like to ask about
current, specific prayer needs, please e-mail us at
. We also have prayer needs that go out in the daily devotions so if you would
like to keep current on prayer needs of the members, receiving the daily
devotions is a great way to stay on top of that. If you would like to join
IYG, all that's needed is to send us an e-mail stating you would like to join.
Welcome to the Internet Youth Group's donation page. We are a non-profit
church on the web and have great desire to help those in IYG and reach those
who are not yet members. In order to do all we desire to we need
, and
. If you can donate any of these, we would greatly
appreciate it. If you would like to join IYG, all that's needed is to send us
e-mail asking to join at
If you would like to become a volunteer there are plenty of area's we need
help. Some of the volunteers we could use are Small Group Leaders,
Fund-raisers, Web help, and Devotion-Study creation.
Small Group Leaders
Web help
Devotion-Study Creation
Internet Youth Group
820 W. Florida