Teaching seminars - designed to equip believers for the work of the ministry.
Printed page - printed Teaching Messages distributed almost every month in English and 3 other Indian languages - Hindi, Kannada and Tamil. At present, each issue reaches approximately 5,000 people in India. These are also distributed in 17 other countries.
Missionary support - financial and spiritual support for Christian ministers in developing nations.
Currently, FMI is financially assisting 26 Christian ministers in India each month.
Planting and nurturing of local churches - financial and spiritual support for new church plants, that are established to disciple new believers following the proclamation of the gospel of Christ.
Social outreach - financial assistance to two village tailoring schools and a nursery school in India.
The following is a summary statement of what we plan to accomplish in India.
The vision of this church will be: "To Share Christ With All People, To Make Disciples of All Nations".
In keeping with the vision, the church will be mobilized to reach the city of Bangalore with the love and power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The church will also be a spring board for outreach efforts to other cities, towns and villages in India, with the intent of reaching the whole nation. The church will seek to reproduce itself and plant strong local churches through out the nation.
Should the Lord grant us the grace to do so, the church will extend its efforts
beyond the borders of the Indian sub-continent, to neighboring nations.
FMI will serve as a missionary organization to provide spiritual and financial assistance to Christian ministers in India, and other nations, primarily in Asia. This includes providing for the personal needs of Christian ministers, assisting their ministry efforts, initiating and supporting new church plants.
FMI will use tools of mass communication such as the printed page, electronic media, crusades and seminars to minister the Word of God.
FMI will conduct and financially assist social outreaches that minister to the
physical, intellectual and vocational needs of the people and use these as
channels to minister the love and power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
his summarizes specific goals that we have set for our ministry in India for
the year 2001. Goals specific to the local church (All Peoples Church) and to
our missions organization (Frontier Missions Initiative), have been described.
While we realize the value in planning, we also understand the importance of
relying on the Lord to establish our efforts. Our desire is: "Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done". As the Lord enables us we will continue to expand on these
goals in the subsequent years.
Wrote to leading pastors and ministers in Bangalore (a) to inform them of our plan and (b) to receive suggestions for target areas to establish the church.
Share the vision with believers and churches. Enlist prayer support. Raise amount of US$44,000/- by the end of the year 2000.
Invest time in intercessory prayer, preparing the way in the realm of the spirit.
In November 2000 travel to India for 3 weeks to make arrangements.
Continue FMI's ongoing ministry work in India.
February 25-March 3, hold 7 days of Gospel Crusade meetings targeting people in the R.T.Nagar, Mathikere, and surrounding areas. Hold the first church service of All Peoples Church, Bangalore on Sunday March 4, 2001. Hold services in English and Kannada. Establish the local church through prayer, teaching of the word, home fellowships and evangelism. * Make intercessory prayer an central part of the church services. In addition, gather the whole church for a few hours of intercessory prayer the first Saturday of each month. * Conduct "Seminar of the Month" with two teaching sessions, the second Saturday of each month. This will be open to all churches in the city. * Conduct 3 days (Thursday - Saturday) of evening gospel crusades, the fourth weekend of each month. These will be focussed evangelism, targeting specific areas in and around the city of Bangalore. * Progressively establish home fellowships, with delegated leadership for worship, fellowship and evangelism.
Grow to at least 500 people in regular attendance for the English and Kannada
services, making this a total of 1000 people by the end of 2001.
Spiritually assist and financially support a total of 32 ministers in India. (We are currently supporting 26 ministers).
Distribute regular printed Teaching Messages in 5 Indian languages in addition to English. (Currently we are distributing these in 3 languages).
Social outreach - increase this to support additional efforts. (Currently we are supporting 2 village tailoring schools and a nursery school).
Sponsor 11 area-wide gospel crusades in and around the city of Bangalore. Support the establishing of All Peoples Church.
Print gospel booklets and Christian books in English and other Indian languages.
Initial expenses for establishing the local church in Bangalore: |
11 Gospel crusades targeting specific areas in Bangalore: |
Printing of Gospel booklets and Christian books: |
Supporting 32 ministers in India: |
Social outreaches - supporting village schools, etc: |
Printing and distributing Teaching Messages in 6 languages: |
Total: |
question that has been on our minds is whether Ashish should continue his
professional career or go full time into Christian ministry. At present, we
have decided that Ashish will continue his career as a software professional
through the year 2001. We will continue to follow the Lord's direction in this.
O ur purpose in sharing this vision in detail with you is so that you may consider before the Lord if He would have you share in any way in this effort.
W e need the support of God's people in prayer. As the Lord leads we invite you to pray for us. Pray for God's wisdom that we will clearly understand and do His will. Pray for God's anointing to be upon us as we labor for His glory. Pray for God's protection to surround us as we minister in various places and in diverse circumstances.
he total estimated expense for all our ministry efforts in India for the year
2001 is about $44,000/-. During the course of this year 2000, we want to raise
the full amount of $44,000/- for the next year 2001. This will allow us to
focus on doing the work of the ministry without the distraction of fund
raising. We need people who will partner with us financially. As the Lord
leads, we invite you to share in this work financially.
Thank you,