Links to Other Christian Sites



Apologetics/Creation vs. Evolution

Dr. Truth An amazing site that we happen to have the privilege of working with. 

Answers In Genesis This is a great site that goes into depth with the creation vs. evolution thing.

Institute for Creation Research Creation Science Research based out of California, USA.

Apologetics Index This is a great site with many links to Apologetics and News.

Great Apologetics This is a very cool site that is quite bold in its stance. Take a look if you have doubts.

Teen Stuff

Christian Search Engines

Member Recommended Links

Radio Stations

KLOVE This is a Contemporary Christian station that broadcasts nation wide and through the Internet.

Cool Stuff


Whytehouse This Guy is the best at animation and graphics. He has provided us with most of our stuff. Check him out if you have the need.

Oral Roberts University This is a good Christian Univerisity out of Tulsa Oklahoma. They have undergraduate and graduate programs. They are a little expensive, but the education is very good.

Saints of Virtue A Christian based game. Check it out.
