Victoria's Page

I'm Victoria. Yes, my mother named me after a Dark Shadows character. Try livin' with THAT all your life ;) But anyway...junk about me.
I'll be 19 years old before this thing is updated I'm sure (June). I'm currently attending the University of Tennessee at Martin. I'm majoring in Visual Communications with a Graphic Design minor. I've been doing some graphics for the school's student newspaper. I'm hoping to land the job of Photo/Design Editor next semester.
I usually spend my free time (and class time) making graphics and random webpages with some of my friends. I've been making webpages since I was about 12. This is obviously one that I did way back then and haven't been able to update at all. I've learned a LOT since this page.
I have competed (and won) in different artistic type competitions such as Architectural Design, Web Development, Computer Aided Graphics and some visual arts.

Here are some cute but kind of
scary pictures of me when I was little.
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