January 2001

Plan of the Month

TS Spokane

P.O. Box 10293

Spokane, WA  99209



Saturday, 20 January 2001

Sunday, 21 January 2001



Commanding Officer

Inst Vance Yomens, NSCC

509-328-8990 / 509-994-2568 (Cell)

Executive Officer

Ens Viki Lawson, NSCC



Uniform of the Day



NSCC Officers

Male:  Winter Dress Blues / Khaki

Female:  Winter Dress Blues / Khaki

NLCC Cadets

Male:  Winter Dress Blues / Dungarees

Female:  Winter Dress Blues / Dungarees


Operations/Training Officer:

Personnel/Admin Officer:

BULLDOGS Officer in Charge:

WOLVERINES Officer in Charge:

GORRILLAS Officer in Charge:

Advancement Officer:

Indoctrination Officers:


Supply Officer:








Ens Lawson  926-6174

  922-8965 &

LTjg Smith  258-4213



Saturday, 20 January 2001

0730      Cadets Muster IN DUNGAREES

0730      Officers’ Call / SLPO Training

0800      Uniform issuance / replacement

0900      Communications / Public Speaking     

1000      Uniform Care & Maintenance

1045      Physical Training

1130      Lunch  (BRING YOUR OWN)

1230      Platoon Time

1330      Cold Weather Survival- Cadet Stamper

1430      Trauma Training - PO3 Lawson

1530      Clean up

1600      Secure

Sunday, 21 January 2001

0730      Muster in WINTER BLUES

0800      Cadet Sunday School / Advancement Training /

              Leadership Training

0900      Platoon Time

1045      Physical Training

1130      Lunch (BRING YOUR OWN)

1230      All Hands drill time


1330      Combat Maneuvers- Cadet Williams

1500      Morse Code - Cadet Wittig

1530      Awards Ceremony

1600      Secure


DRILL SCHEDULE.  Our drill schedule is listed below but is subject to change due to operational commitments:

Saturdays and Sundays:     0730 – 1600 (7:30 am to 4:00 pm)

Drill dates for fiscal year 2001  (Bold indicates change of dates)

Feb 17,18                Mar 17,18       Apr 21,22       May 19,20       Jun 23,24       Jul 21,22                Aug 18,19

Sep 15,16

Please review these dates closely for any possible conflicts.


                PROMOTIONS:  APPRENTICE – Jonathan DeGon

                                                 ABLE- Candice Lendner 

 THIRD CLASS -  Marlena Smith


To all who have worked hard and deserve recognition – BRAVO ZULU!!



Welcome to Cadets Tyler LaBelle, Coty Reitmeyer and Michael Bechtold


Congratulations on your decision to join the best Training Ship in Washington State!

I hope that you "old-timers" are taking the time to ensure the newest of our family is well taken care of!!






                1.                Bring Physical Training Gear (Shorts, TS Spokane shirt, running shoes)

                2.                Bring a sack lunch (NO Sweets) on both Saturday and Sunday

                3.                Bring your binder, paper, writing utensil and advancement syllabus

                4.                Bring all the above items in ONE bag, backpack, piece of luggage, etc.




Lilac Parade- May 19, 2001.  We only have five months to train for the parade.  Remember that all eyes will be on you, so you want to be as good as you can be.  Practice what you have learned at drill.  Get together with your shipmates at your house and practice, get your parents to help you march, or call me and we can schedule some extra drill practice if you want.  Practice makes perfect – Let’s show everyone what we are about!!


Remember to take better care of your uniforms.  Keep your issued uniform items together and things won’t get lost.  We will be inspecting you every drill for haircuts, ironed uniforms, polished shoes and general orders!  Get ready NOW for next month!




Unfortunately, until the weather is warmer, we can not do overnighters.  The reserve center is not heated at night and we are not being allowed to sponsor overnighters by the Reserve Center CO.  When the weather turns nicer, we will readdress this request.


Congratulations on everyone that qualified for their marksman ribbon!  Job Well Done!  I will be presenting the ribbons hopefully in January when the new order for ribbons arrives.  For those to whom I owe ribbons, keep your fingers crossed for January. 


PARENTS  The parents meeting is held on Sundays at 1:30 pm.  PLEASE come and be a viable part of the valuable resource.  With your help, we can support the young men and women in this program and with the cooperation of the officers, WE can make a better unit!  Thank you to each of you that is at every meeting.  Your ideas and assistance is greatly appreciated. 






                                                                                                LT , USNSCC

                                                                                                COMMANDING OFFICER