

MARTHA (TWING) FISH, her children, grandchildren, etc., are descendents of STEPHEN HOPKINS, who came over on the Mayflower in 1620.

Stephen came over as one of the "Londoners" or "Strangers" recruited for the voyage. He was called "Master" or "Mister", and only two others of 17 free men on the voyage were so styled.

Upon the ship's arrival at Cape Cod on November 11, 1620, Stephen was among the men signing the Mayflower Compact in the cabin. He was one of three men designated to provide counsel and advice to Captain Myles Standish on the first land expedition of the Pilgrims in the New World. In February 1620/1621, when indians appeared on a neighboring hilltop, Captain Standish took Stephen Hopkins with him to negotiate with them. Thereafter, Stephen was invariably deputized to meet the indians and act as an interpreter. In July of 1621 he served as envoy to friendly Chief Massasoit, and he made a friend for the colonists of Samoset, another indian whom Stephen entertained in his home.

Despite the mortality caused by tribulations of the first Pilgrim winter in New England, Stephen Hopkins' household of eight persons was one of only four households that escaped loss.

Probably because of his status in the colony as a "stranger", Stephen Hopkins found himself on occasion in official difficulty. In June of 1636, he was fined 5 pounds for striking John Tisdale. In 1638, he was fined for allowing three friends to drink beer and play shuffleboard in his house on a Sunday.

Stephen Hopkins served several years as Assistant Governor of Massachusetts under Wm. Bradford.

STEPHEN HOPKINS Abt. 1580 - England Abt. 6/06/1644 - Plymouth, MA
-- MARY ___ (1st wife) unknown - England unknown - England
CONSTANCE HOPKINS Abt. 1607 - England Abt. 10/15/1677 - Eastham, MA
-- NICHOLAS SNOW 1/25/1598 - Shoreditch, England 11/15/1676 - Eastham, MA
JOHN SNOW Abt. 1638 - Plymouth, MA Bef. 4/04/1692 - Eastham, MA
-- MARY SMALLEY 12/11/1647 - Plymouth, MA Aft. 12/07/1699 - Eastham, MA
REBECCA SNOW 7/23/1676 - Eastham, MA 8/31/1753 - Salisbury, CT
-- BENJAMIN SMALL Abt. 1664 - Falmouth, MA 6/04/1721 - Lebanon, CT
BENJAMIN SMALLEY 10/15/1702 - Truro, MA 8/30/1754 - Salisbury, CT
-- REBECCA WRIGHT Abt. 1702 - Truro, MA 7/03/1726 - Salisbury, CT
REBECCA SMALLEY 6/26/1726 - Lebanon, CT 2/16/1769- Salisbury, CT
-- JACOB SPOFFORD (rev. war) 8/17/1722 - Rowley, MA Abt. 1762 - Salisbury, CT
MERCY SPOFFORD Abt. 1748 - Salisbury,CT 4/25/1861 - Torrington, CT
-- NATHANIEL BARBER (rev. war) 2/05/1744 - Torrington, CT 3/31/1782
ZIMRI BARBER 5/29/1773 - Torrington, CT 4/25/1861 - Castleton, VT
-- ELIZABETH SPRAGUE 8/22/1777 - Clarendon, , VT 1/02/1844 - Castleton, VT
LUCY HOLMES BARBER 6/25/1807 - Castleton, VT 11/20/1880 - Lafayette Co., WI
-- SILAS T(H)WING 9/15/1803 - Wilbraham, MA 10/10/1892 - Lafayette Co., WI
WILLIAM ARTHUR TWING (civil war-WI) July 17, 1834 - Chardon, OH 2/01/1922 - Beloit, Wisconsin
-- LUCY (MARY ANN) CLARK 12/08/1832 - NY(per census) 11/21/1893 - Lafayette Co., WI
MARTHA ANN TWING 11/19 or 29/1857 - Green Co., WI 12/24/1934 - Crawford Co., WI


Primary and Secondary documentation on this line is complete, and has been approved by the General Mayflower Society in Plymouth

email: Dee Alexander

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Last Updated: February 9,2003