Click here to go to the ARRL web page.
Charles and Virginia Burt
Click here to see pictures of my radios.
This is my first web page. So now that I've got it started, I will be updating it with some more ham radio links as  well as more information about my ham shack. Perhaps I'll have some pictures of it on my page too.
I have had my ham radio license for 64 years. I got it on February 27, 1940 when I was 18 years old. I now hold an Extra Class ticket and have been a member of the ARRL for 66 years since March 1938.
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My page was last updated on February 2, 2004
Why don't all you hams out there get your own web page at  
The price is right. It's FREE!
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to visit my web page since it's creation on March 25, 1998!