Here are some frequently asked questions about the reunion. if you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us.

Will I receive a ticket after I pay?

In order to cut back on costs, we have decided not to mail back tickets for the reunion. Your cashed check is your receipt. I will attempt to e-mail confirmations to those who have payed. If you would like to double check if we have received your payment, please e-mail me.

What is the dress attire?

The dress attire for the evening HAS BEEN CHANGED (No pun intended), to SEMI-FORMAL. (I.E. Attire you would wear to a nice dinner). The remainder of the weekend is anything you desire. Heck, I don't care if you come to the beach naked!

Will any former teachers be attending?

We will be inviting several. I will post a list of names as soon as we make contact. If you would like us to invite someone in particular, please e-mail me.

Are there any other events planned after the reunion?

PLAN ON A 3 DAY PARTY EVENT! Look for more information to be posted soon! If you have any suggestions or would like to assist the planning committee, please e-mail me.

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