Plainview Humane
500 SW 3rd Plainview, TX 79072 (806)293-1158
11:00am-6:00pm Mon. thru Fri.
11:00am-1:00pm Sat.

Our Mission:

The mission of the Plainview Humane Society is to place each animal who comes to us into a good, loving home. We also promote responsible pet care.

During your visit here you will be able to see the animals that we now have available for adoption. The general rule of adopting a pet from us is that it has to be spayed or neutered and have a Rabies vaccination.

If you decide to adopt a pet from us and have any questions do not hesitate to give us a call. We are glad to help you get acquainted with your new pet.

The shelter is always in need of volunteers to help care for the a animals and donations of items are always needed. If you do not want to own an animal you can serve as a foster parent until the animal is placed. Things you can donate include, food, toys, old socks, and old blankets. We also always can use detergent and bleach to clean items for the animals. Anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to donate to the Plainview Humane Society please send them to the address below. Thank you.

Plainview Humane Society
P.0. Box 1267
Plainview, TX 79072

The Dog Haus Spay and Neuter Page

See the Dogs & Cats*Meet The Staff
Items for your petOther Animal Links
Plainview, TexasHumane Society U.S.

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This page created and maintained by llovell
Any questions or comments regarding this page may be mailed directly to me.
If you have any questions about adopting a pet from the Plainview Humane Society please call the number above or better yet go visit them. Thanks! ©1997-1999 all rights reserved
*The page containing the dogs and cats in need of adoption needs serious updating. I apologize for this. Please visit the Plainview Humane Society anyway. :-)

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