My lil photo album

here's a few pic's of me!

This is a pic of me and my best friend goofin off Me in the morning

Moi...hiding...never! Me sitting in front of the fireplace

Look at the height of the mantel compared to my height This is me at work...when I worked there

This is me and Abbagail (wild mustange..not mine..a friend of the family's horse) This is me and Abby again

Me infront my puter (which is in Texas) Ain't this a cute pic *S* This is me and my buddie Ryan

This is me and Victory Nemesis Me getting in my old S-10! *S*

A more recent picture of me Me and a friend of mine Halloween '03

Me lookin good Me and another good friend of mine

Here's some of my family and friends in Texas

Yep this is my momma This is one of the greatest guy's I've ever met in my whole life, my best friend Norman.. ain't he a hottie

This is Ryan and some of his buddies dancin with him

Now for some of the people I've met!

My big bro Allen AKA Fizgig411 Lil Miss....Victory Nemises

This is Ramsey again.. ain't she so purdy! Ramsey and my buddy Ryan again! *L*

Highlonesome McTex while he was here

McTex's again here DUSTYSPURS himself