My real name is Summer Thompson.
I'm 26 years old and livin in the
Big Sky Country!!!
I've been to a few other states and only lived in 3 other states asides Montana. Those are Alabama, Ohio, and Texas.

I am a 1st degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I competed in the 1990 Jr. Olmpics in Dallas. I was the only female from my school that represented the state of Alabama. I have been out of it for over 10 years now and I kinda miss it.

To give you a brief idea on what I look like asides the pictures of me, I have blue eyes. I am 4'11 and weigh about 105lbs. I ain't no prep! I'm a t-shirt and wranglers kinda girl! Oh can't for get the boots! Gotta have em! I may be small but I'm not no weakling. I enjoy many things like listing to Country music and some old rock. I love the dancin (which I am good at, only been doin it for about 10 years now), outdoors, mountains, woods, water, horseback ridin' and other things.

Well e-mail me when ever you like to I'm always up for a chat.

Well I love animals! Everyone seems to think me and my mom ran a zoo back in Texas with all the cats and dogs we had! This is my last dog *sniff*..Bodie >br>

he's my lil mutt. He had some Blue Heeler, Pit Bull, Cocker, Collie and Retriver in him! He was a lil over one year old when he died. A Copperhead got a hold of him. *sniff* Then My cat..

Let's just say.. he's not your average cat! This beast just turned 9 in Feb. Then my mom has the other dogs. My mom one A.K.C. reg. Rottie. Cheyenne (who's going on 5). Then she just recently got a blue Heeler/ Australian Sheppard. I can't remember what she named her. But either way I'm jealous. I'm not into small dogs!

Here's the for the most part latest news.

I have a one year old lil boy. He's my pride and joy, my entire world.