Mrgnrt's Home Page

Hi...mrgnrt stands for Marge and Art McElroy.

When I made this web page several years ago, we were a retired couple living up in the
hills of Western Oregon, on 75 acres of mostly up-and-down land, planted with 13,000
little Douglas Fir trees.

We had a lot of fun, Arthur with his tractor and bush hog, and his satellite dish,
and me with my computer and my riding lawn mower.
We enjoyed going to WWII reunions, and doing projects around the place.
We had a wonderful retirement well started. But, as life goes on, "the best laid plans of mice and men....." you know the quote.

Arthur became ill, and passed away in May, 1998. So I am still here amid the fir trees, not so small now, and I get to run the tractor and the bush hog and wreak havoc on the blackberry vines. I have lived on this place since 1951, and don't plan on leaving it any time soon. I still go to the WWII reunions, and have several activities that I enjoy. Between that and my grandkids and great-grandkids, I keep busy. I have a wonderful life, me and my cat Karmel. Thank you for visiting our site. I hope you enjoy it.

In Memorium

Arthur Neil McElroy

September 22,1926--May 27,1998

"He will live in these pages forever"

I blog at zoofer!

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|More About Us| |Karmel Kat's Page| |Our Kids| |Our Grandkids|
|Our Great-Grandkids| |Michael & Sharon| |Pat & Brenda| |Brian & Becki|
Greg & Sheila |Art's Obituary| |Pictures| |Grandkids Pictures |
|Art & M.I.D.|