I have been honored to receive several awards and recognitions since I initally started my homepage in July, 1997; however, the following award touched me very deeply. Please click on the award to discover its meaning *smile*.

Petals of the Web Logo

This particular page will provide you with links to my other pages. I hope you will find them interesting, thought provoking, inspirational, and helpful. ALL OF THE PAGES YOU WILL VISIT ARE GRAPHICALLY INTENSE, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT, THANK YOU. For your convenience you will find a drop down box with links on all of my pages!

Please sign and leave some good news for others to read *smile*, OR feel free to email me with your comments and/or suggestions!

Research Links for Students and Educators

This page contains approximately 100 links for students to use for research papers, etc. Also contains examples of how to cite internet sources on bibliography and work cited pages.

Horizon of Dreams

This link contains a poem I wrote one evening as I was watching the sunset in the beautiful Nebraskaland. The peaceful setting prompted my thoughts. This poem is dedicated to victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence.

Free Falling Dreams

This link contains a poem written after I landed on a successful skydive. It represents my love of the sport and my faith in God.

Candid Dreams..friends

This link has photos of the wonderful friends I have been blessed with in the Heartland and in life. There is another link to "More Friends" where you will find a listing of acquaintances on the web. By clicking on the photos, you will arrive at their respective homepages.

My Future Dreams

This link is my personal dreams for the future and also contains photographs.

Linking Dreams

This link is dedicated to those who helped me understand HTML and guided me through the learning process, namely YOGI, RELOADIN' RON, and GWEN. You will also the MIDI links, GRAPHIC links, GREETING CARD links, and other fun stuff I use.


This link is dedicated to all the men and women of the armed services of this great country.

Heartland Dreams

This link contains a poem I wrote in dedication to those I have grown to love in the Heartland.

Relfective Dreams

This link contains a poem I wrote for a very special man in my life. Although we are now just good friends, the love I experienced in this relationship is like none I have ever known. To be very honest, I don't know that I will ever feel that kind of love and understanding the rest of my life.


This link contains the poem FOOTPRINTS

More Friends

This link is a continuation of my friends page. Enjoy!!!


This link has gifs and jpgs of HUSKER football as well as a brief history of the Nebraska Football Program and pictures.

On October 31, 1997, Geocities officially closed our front porch chat room. I hope one day they realize the mistake they made. This room was filled with love, laughter, tears, and hearts. It was through many tears that we said goodbye to our dear porch. The lives of many people have been touched while sipping ritas, telling stories, sharing heartaches, comforting friends, helping each other, relating experiences to help the young chatters and peers. In respect for the porch, NURSIE was kind enough to build this porch in dedication to the many friends who visited there and the cherished memories. You will find me at the campfire, IRC and on ICQ now. It feels like our "family" has been torn apart and it is very difficult not to see the ones I have grown to love. I was an original porcher and my heart feels very empty without my second home.

This rose symbolizes the life of a survivor...you must start small, as the bud, then with time, you will find that you are one of God's beautiful creatures as your petals begin to unfold. Nurture that beauty within yourself, raise your head to the sky, and let the beauty touch the lives of others.


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