Hello there! Welcome to my little place! My name is Grace Castillo
and I presently live in beautiful California! I moved here from Tempe, Arizona in November of '98 with my "kids"(2 birds). If you've visited my website before, you'll notice that I finally had the time and initiative to do a little improvement. As you know by now, this website is about me, Philippine recipes, midi files, my birds, Bella, who now lives with her Dad, and whatever I feel like putting out here. Right now, I have added more midi files in my Midi Archive and I have another picture up which is just a bigger version of the picture on the left. Oh, I also have added more photos and you will find them in my new photo album. So please feel free to browse and I will add more in a few days! :-D
And I also know it's starting to look like candyland here but that's the idea *wink* and I hope you enjoy your visit and please don't hesitate to e-mail me or page me if you have some comments and/or suggestions. Also, please don't forget to sign my guestbook as I don't have very many entries there.
If you are a beginning HTML editor and need help converting your images, visit Gifwizard
and Image Alchemy. Or if you need help with HTML, maybe the HTML Guru can help you or you can download CoffeeCup from download.com. I heard that it's a good web publishing tool. Yes, I said "I heard" because I haven't tried it yet. *Tee hee!* ;-) Okay, until next time...Ta taa!
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Since June 21, 1997
Counter was reset on August 16, 1999
Background and bar by:Rita Peitz