Girl Scouts USA Home Page

Girl Scout Junior Troop #6
Eielson AFB, Alaska, USA

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Eielson AFB Junior Troop #6 LogoThe GIRL Is First In GIRL SCOUTS

Hello from beautiful Alaska! We are located at Eielson Air Force Base, which is 21 miles southeast of Fairbanks in the Heart of the Interior. In this area, the temperatures range from the mid-90's F in the summer (which is only about three to four months long) to about -60 F in the winter (which is the rest of the year). Our spring and fall each only last about a week or so, so we really don't count them as 'seasons'.

Please Note!!!

This troop is no longer being led by Kathy Coumbe.  This also means that she will no longer be keeping this site updated.  Until such time as the troop gets another leader, this page will stay as it is now.  Please note that any emails sent to the troop's email address ( will probably not get answered.  Once a new leader has been found for this troop, we will turn over all web site files to her (or her designated web site maintainer) for them to keep updated.

Thank you for your patience in this matter!  And thanks to all from Kathy for your past support!

 Regional Links

Our Council is the Farthest North Girl Scout Council 
of Fairbanks, Alaska. 
Find out how you can get this and other 
Alaska-exclusive Girl Scout patches. 
Click below!
Farthest North Girl Scout Council

Our state is well known for two dogsled races which attract teams from all over the world. Want to find out more about the races or see who won the last ones? Click below.

The Yukon Quest begins in Whitehorse, Canada and ends in Fairbanks, Alaska.
The Iditarod begins in Anchorage, Alaska and ends in Nome, Alaska.
Official Yukon Quest Home Page
Official Iditarod Home Page

Here's what our Eielson AFB weather is like right now.
If you want more detailed information, click on the banner, below.
Click for Eielson AFB, Alaska Forecast

 Past Events


(or Feedback/Thanks)

Before you leave us, why don't you drop us a line to let us know who you are and where you're surfing from.

If you prefer the Guestbook method of feedback.....

We would like to give a special thanks to Charles Coumbe (our very own Do-Dad!) for creating our page.

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