Luddi, Bamse, Strimma and Fideli are not so bad, either! (Larse's and Birgitta's comment).
Hello there! My name is, as you´ve surely already seen, Lillan (Mi chiamano Lillan, ma il mio nome è Charlotte). I'm the founder of the dynasty of Snuffen's. I´m one of these divine creatures that´s called Russian Blue (I´m a Swedish one). We are the rulers of the world. I have one of my own. Here I RUUUUULE over LARSE, BIRGITTA, and four other creatures that do everything I I I I WANT THEM TO DO! These other, in my opinion, rather stupid individuals are: One Owczarek Polski Nizinny-dog called Luddi, a fat thing, one Border Collie-dog called Strimma, an extremely scared piece of meat, good for sharpening nails, one Sacred Birman-cat called Fideli, a real nasty little bitch and then my lover Bamse, who is also a Birman-cat. He is the only one in this family that´s on my level, spiritually and mentally. I have three kittens now, ten weeks old:!--BODY-->

Here we come again! ( Warning! This page contains five pictures, fetch a cup of coffee while waiting for it....)
The sire is a Danish Russian Blue-chap, Grusjenka's Julin of Egalia. He was very interesting, it took me nearly three weeks to persuade him into wedlock on my terms. That means, I had to swing him round and about for quite a while, before he acted as a gentleman. Now, I have a hard time to teach his brats the same manners.
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